Chapter 6: The Guys in My Life

Start from the beginning

“Oh my god, you brain washed my baby!”

“Mhm, I totally made some cat mind control device to make her fall for me, Mhm, logical!” he gave me a big bear hug then picked up Jella and kissed her ears. She purred loudly.

“You keep making out with my child while I go get our scripts”

“Don’t have to tell me twice” he made these gross slurping noises as he pretended to have a make out session with my Jella.

I went upstairs and snatched our scripts and ran back down stairs, I didn’t realize I missed the last step before I fell- well I would’ve fallen if Rob hadn’t caught me.

“Whoa there. Be careful, this is what, the fourth time you tripped in the past 2 days!”

“Oh shut up, I missed the last step”

“Realize that a bit late?”

“Come on” I said laughing as I grabbed his wrist and dragged him to our dining table.  As soon as he sat down opposite me we completely lost our focus. Which was absolutely normal.

“Did you get to that book I gave you yet?” he asked coolly.

“Yes, I’m around chapter nine, I see why it’s one of your favourites I really like it. The imagery and all the descriptions make it seem like I’m experiencing what’s happening in front of my eyes. Rob…?”

“What is it Kris?”

“Does…does he…you know…survive?” he hesitated and didn’t look at me while he answered.

“Well, I can’t tell you that. That’s the whole point of reading the book”

I was quiet for a little while. I loved reading books, so much that I get sunken way too deep into them. I can’t stand sad parts without losing it, but I still like reading them. They add a kick to the story. Rob knew this, he got up from his chair across from me and came to sit down beside me.

“Hey, I can promise you one thing” he whispered


“There’s a happy ending. It’s bittersweet, but I know you’ll enjoy it. I can guarantee that” he smiled softly. I gave a weak smile back.

“Hey where’s Cameron? He’s always checking on us every two seconds”

“I think he went out with Dana and Taylor. He hates being in the house if Michael is here.”

“He’s not”

“He was”

“Oh, it’s funny how he just happens to leave every time I’m here” he said smirking.

“Lose the grin. Hey we start filming on Friday, are you nervous?”

“Not that much. I think I have the lines pretty much drilled in, and I have you with me, that’ll help a lot”

“Yeah, me too. I think we should be practicing acting it and not just reading through the script a billion times”

“Ok, start from scene 7. I’ll cue you in” he got up and walked to the side of the room next to the huge mirror which was our wall.

“’Bella, I think it would be better if we weren’t friends’” he looked at me serenely and gave a slight not- noticeable nod. My cue.

“’ Too bad you didn't figure that out earlier. You could have let the van crush me and saved yourself all this regret.’” He then looked at me angrily, as he was supposed to, but when I looked at his eyes- they looked hurt. He was such an amazing actor, it shocked me every time we rehearsed.

“’You think I regret saving you?!’” he spat through gritted teeth

“’I know you do’”

“’You don’t know anything’” he slammed his fist on the wall, I jumped. He immediately returned to Rob and looked alarmed.

“Hey, I’m sorry, that was a bit too much wasn’t it?”

“Are you kidding me, you frickin’ killed it! Too much? That was so good, and really believable, perfect.”

“Maybe a bit too believable” he said patting my arm smiling Edwards signature crooked smile he’d been practicing. Someone suddenly started clapping, we both whirled around only to see my mom standing there.

“That.Was.Absolutley.Wonderful. I can’t wait to see it on screen with the scenery. Catherine was right about chemistry.”

“Thank you Jules” Rob said politely

“Kris sweetie, Michael left you a message on the voice machine”

“What did he say?”

“That he loves you”

“Oh…Is that it…or”

“And that he wants to know if you’re upset with him not being with you as much as he used to be”

“I’m not upset, not at all. He won’t believe me no matter how many times I tell him.”

“I don’t understand why he’s so worried, it’s not like his bailing on you or leaving you alone or anything. You have Rob with you and your doing work. Well, most of the time”

“I know”

“Rob, honey are you hungry? What about you Kris? Do you guys want some Ice-Cream?” I looked over at Rob, I couldn’t read his expression, like he was guarding it. I hate when he did that, and the only time he did that was when Michaels name came up. He was trying to be professional, and I guess it was working. Rob was good about Michael and I, he knew I loved Mike, and he never interceded nor flirted with me. I respected that greatly. There were a lot of moments were- from an outsiders point of view, it looked like he was, but he and I knew better, he was just being himself, being Rob.

“Sure mom, Rob?” he kind shook off whatever he was thinking about and replied with a quick “Yes, please” as soon as mom left the room, he was back to his unguarded self. We went outside and sat on the porch eating ice-cream with our feet dangling over the edge like we were five. I really enjoyed these times with Rob, we’d laugh like crazy and talk for hours at a time. There was no tension, nothing. I could’ve told him I ate an elephant and he’d just laugh and say something just as crazy. I could say literally anything to him, I loved that. I couldn’t even be this free with Mike, which of course wasn’t his fault it was mine. Before we went outside though, I left him a voice message telling him not to worry, that I’m perfectly happy and that I loved him. I meant everything I said. Rob left at about 2 am. Mike texted me shortly after.

M: Kristen I love you more than anything and everything, and I hope if you ever feel upset with me, or about anything you’ll tell me. I’m always here baby.

K: Mike, of course! I always do, and I love you

M: I know, so you really don’t mind when I leave when you and Rob are practicing lines? I just don’t like interrupting you guys. This movie means a lot to both of you, and you need all the time you can get to make it perfect.

K: I don’t mind mike, I appreciate it. You are right too, about making it perfect. Thanks for everything.

M: No prob baby, Night BBG

K: Night Mike, Love you 😗

I shut my phone off and fell asleep within seconds of lying down. I had the most amazing people in my life and I was very grateful of it.


A/N: ok so I wrote this chapter and I need some help. I'm debating on whether to just continue with the story or fast-forward to when *SPOLIER* Kris starts falling for Rob, which happens MUCH later. Give me your feedback and opions, I won't update until i get them :)

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