This is seriously pissin me off

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I want to know,

when did Cutting

Wrists or thighs

Go from Im broken and I'm in pain and I'm seriously Depressed

Help me

There's no one there for me

Turn in to Im perfectly fine and I Just want attention

Just so I can show off my fake scars to people and they would worry about me.

I realize that that's almost every teens answer to anything.

One Kid tells

Me I'm Fat and ugly and I'm going to go cut.


That's not that easy!!

Build a fucking wall to let those words Bounce the fuck

Off you.

Fight back!

That's one Fucking persons opinion!!

The whole world isn't saying that!!

Ok look......

You as a person were put on this Mother Fucking Earth For a reason...!!

And that reason shouldn't

Be stopped by suicide

You are a warrior and your mission is Earth!

whatever the hell life throws at you Is just another dragon you are to Slay and defeat!!

So anywhore

In the Darkness.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora