°42. You Okay?°

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Hannah Baker's case was about to come to an end.

It was the first time Anne came to school and she did not feel like it.
Mrs. Jensen told her to go to school aswell since Justin was going aswell.
She obliged since it was the polite thing to do and it was already a mess.

She was walking through the hallway of Liberty High and a certain sound became louder each time she stepped forward.
Anne turned around the corner and dropped her bag in the process.
The boys were fighting eachother and Anne shook her head while slightly glaring at Clay and Justin for their stupidity. Even Zach came to help them and Anne walked forward until she stood next to Cyrus and his group.
Unknowing of Tyler standing next to her she asked Cyrus what was going on. He turned his head towards her with a smirk and replied.
"I have no idea but let's get this going."
He started to walk forward aswell and Tyler asked if he should help making it known to Anne he was standing next to her.
Anne looked back at the fight and saw Alex hit Montgomery with his cane making Anne laugh in victory.
Her laugh died down when she saw Bryce stalking towards Justin and began to pound on him. Anne couldn't stand it any longer and was about to grab her bag but Tyler already stood behind her holding it out to her.
She quickly grabbed it and sprinted towards the fighting boys.
She swung her book-filled back and turned to hit Bryce in the head. He fell down with a thud and it took some time for him to recover. He was looking pissed of and it made the girl feel great. Turning around she saw Montgomery was about to hit Cyrus but he was stopped by Anne's bag hitting him harshly in his back making the boy fall to the ground.

An arm wrapped around her waist pulling her back from the fight. She punched the unknown figures arm but he wouldn't budge. She saw the furious glare of Montgomery on her and she felt slightly relieved someone pulled her away. She was set back down again and Anne saw Scott Reed looking down at her.
"You better stay out of this one, Anne."
The fire alarm was heard throughout the hallway and everyone turned to leave as quickly as possible.

Everyone involved in the fight was sitting in detention and Anne was bored out of her mind. She turned her head and saw Scott already staring at her. She leaned forward slightly and began to whisper, "Why did you pull me back from the fight and not protect you buddies? And not even me but also Clay?"
The boy sighed while continuing to stare at her.
"I'm not some asshole who's going to hit a girl."
He looked back at Bryce before turning back at Anne.
"I'm not a fucking rapist. I just wanna play sports." Anne looked towards the boy with a sympathetic smile, he reminding her of her late friend Jeff.

Almost everyone was inside of the courthall waiting for the end of Hannah Baker's trial. Anne sat on the edge of her seat feeling her heart pump through her chest.
Her eyes closed while she was trying to hold back the tears. Hannah did not get her justice.

Everyone walked outside of the court room and Anne trailed behind. Justin turned around missing her presence and saw her trail behind.
"Hey, you okay?"
She nodded while smiling sadly. He walked forward while holding onto her shoulder. "You sure?"
She shrugged while tears were forming in her eyes. He grabbed her and hugged her tightly while stroking her hair. The two stood like that for a while finding comfort in eachother.

Justin and Anne walked outside together while holding eachother's hand. When they stepped outside their expression turned into one of happiness. Bryce Walker was being put in cuffs and finally he got what was coming for him.
Anne and Justin joined Clay and his mother.
Anne laughed in triumphant towards Justin. "You did it."
Their happiness turned upside down very quickly when Justin got arrested aswell. Anne's eyes filled with tears and she reached forward towards the boy.

She turned back to Clay and he held onto her tightly knowing how heartbroken she felt.

"He's gonna be okay."

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