Ch. 29 This is Love

Start from the beginning

"I've seen a lot of weird fuck up shit you know, but you have no idea how glad I am I found you both. Heck, as soon as I noticed you both were in Brazil. I came here." He said and Dean walked towards the couch, hitting his brother in the arm.

"You know you have a Son right?" He asked and Kevin's eyes widen but didn't seem surprised.

"So the rumors are true. Well, shit, I just can't catch a break at all now can I? Damn, we gotta get the kid because it won't even matter to those type of people if that kid knows me or not. They're going to torture the shit out of him. I don't care if I didn't even know I had a kid or not. I'm not letting my own flesh and blood go through pain because of me." Kevin said.

I stared at Dean to see the reaction he was giving out. Dean was staring at his younger brother, with a look of understanding. He nodded his head then moved his head to stare at me.

I froze as we made eye contact and for some reason, I was able to see all the emotions running in Deans eyes. So many emotions right there were being shown to me, what was told today did cause Dean to feel a certain way and I wanted badly to know what that was.

Did it have anything to do with the scars that he had? Why was Dean so affect, angered, upset and sad when Linda Charles was mentioned?

When Damian mentioned Linda Charles it was like Dean was being stabbed repeatedly all through the time she was being discussed and I wanted badly to tell Damian to stop talking about that person because of how Dean was reacting just to that certain name but I also wanted to know. I was angry, I wanted to know why did something like a simple name of that person anger Dean so much.

It got even worse when it was mentioned that Linda Charles was Dean and Kevin mother.

It was like there was a whole box, Pandora's box that was shaking and on the verge of opening and Dean face reaction told me that it didn't want that box to be opened.

Of course, we all knew anyways that it would open eventually, letting loose everything that it had to let loose. All the monsters, demons and creatures that we tried to hide. All the secrets that we never wanted to be told would be released.

I knew that Dean knew that but what had me wondering is if Dean honestly thought I would be scared away when I found out about those things.

There's no way I would because of course, I had secrets and Demons of my own.

Of course, I had them in my head, the only difference is sometimes I talk to them back.

I gave Dean an encouraging small smile, it was like he was asking me for an encouragement to ask what he was going to ask Kevin.

He nodded his head and spoke.

"Why did you get in contact with Linda Charles?" He asked his brother, his brother looked up at him and gave him a look.

a look that said he knew that time would come of course, after all, Dean was just discussing it with Damian. After all, Kevin had decided to show up at that very moment. It was like Linda Charles was meant to be discussed.

As if Linda Charles needed to be discussed in this Chapter.

As if she had an important part somehow.

"I wasn't planning for it to happen, I knew she had a life of her own and she was living a life of her own but I just couldn't forget everything we've been through. All the pain that we have gone through so I had to know the reason why you know? I just needed to know why. I didn't think it would ever lead up to all of this. I didn't think that I would have stood by her side for that long. I just wanted to talk to her, just to know why would a mother do that to her own kids." Kevin said and I shook my head.

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