VII - In the Evening

Start from the beginning

Master Jasper wanted to cut in and declare that these "children" weren't his cousins, but he kept his mouth shut. To his relief, even though it would do close to nothing for the situation he was in, Eli came back into the dining room with a bottle of Royal Thorne wine.

Eli could feel the heavy tension in the atmosphere but tried to ignore it. He poured the Young Master a glass of wine, nodded, and took his place at the far wall beside the entryway; a perfect place to watch over his Master.

Each of the servers came in next all wielding silver dome topped platters. They set the food before each guest and uncovered the meals.

"Is everyone excited about the ball tomorrow?" asked Aunt Stephanie. She was beside Master Jasper, round and chipper like she always was. "Back when all you young ladies and gents were but small boys and girls, I was the finest ballroom dancer in all the country."

The children Lily and William giggled, and the teenagers raised a brow in question. "You're joking, right, Aunt Stephanie?" said Audrey, who was seated beside her brother, "You can't have possibly been a dancer of any kind. I mean, look at you, you're so...big."

Aunt Stephanie didn't catch the rudeness in Audrey's tone and laughed, "I will admit, I seem to have let myself go over the years. But it's true, right, brother?"

Master Ronald swallowed his mouth full before speaking, "She is telling the truth."

Squeezing Master Jasper's shoulder then, Aunt Stephanie added, "And this young man used to always want to be my partner whenever I took the floor. Taught him a good deal, I did."

The Young Master's cheeks flushed as he gulped down half his wine. Maybe he should have suggested sitting beside his grandmother instead of his aunt. At least the old woman couldn't hear or had any stories to share.

Eli smiled to himself.

"Now that," Bolton said, his mouth full, "is something I can't believe unless I see it with my own eyes. The Young Master Jasper Lancechester twirling about in a ballroom. The deed sounds quite humorous if I do say."

Edmund and Francis broke into laugher, "Agreed, cousin," Francis said, he rose out of his seat, and began to spin around as if he were dancing with another person. "How graceful and pretty must the Young Master have been in his younger years."

"Oh, he is still rather pretty, brother," Edmund jeered, "Has the looks of a Lady. He must get it from his mother!"

Master Jasper's fists constricted at the mentioning of his mother, but before he could speak a word, Master Ronald said, "Child, sit down this instant. Another insolent outburst and you'll be eating outside." He then looked toward his son and tried to reach for his hand in hopes of calming him, but the Young Master pulled away.

Eli didn't like the looks of how things were going. He wasn't sure if he was the only one who could see this, but Master Jasper was livid on the inside. His face wasn't turning red, he wasn't shaking in righteous anger, it was his hands that said it all. They were balled into fists so firm that his knuckles were white as winter's snow.

Francis took his seat once more, settling him and his brother's laughter when his father smacked the back of their heads.

Aunt Stephanie reached for the Young Master and patted his shoulder, "I think you are a wonderful dancer, Jasper."

Master closed his eyes for a short moment and breathed out coolly. Finishing his wine, he raised the glass for it to be replenished. Eli rounded the table and did as commanded, wishing he could do something more, anything to let the Young Master know supper wasn't going to last forever. And when all was done, they could be alone together like before in the privacy of anywhere the Master wanted to be.

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