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It was pretty normal until some kid named Harry Potter was called up there. I looked at the others and saw that Roman had a look of recognition on his face. I nudged him and when he looked at me I asked him if he knew who the kid was he told us that he was Harry Potter, the boy who lived. "Lived what?" Logan asked quietly Roman looked around before telling us that he was the only person alive that has survived the killing curse.

I looked at him again when the hat claimed him to be a Gryffindor. After a few more names it was finally at S and the lady said, "Sanders, Logan, Patton, Roman, and Virgil" We all looked at each other before walking up the steps. As soon as all of our names were said and we walked up the steps everyone stopped talking. Apparently, when there are twins they call them both up and since we are Quadruplets that is a very big deal. Expeasully because we all have magic.

Anyways, we walked up there and we were asked which was born first. "I was first," Patton said "I was second, though I would've been first if someone wasn't trying to strangle me with the umbilical cord," Roman said with a glare in my direction making me smirk. "I was third, though I don't understand the concept of this," Logan said while Roman said "Don't get ahead of us Microsoft Nerd," "Oh okay, so now that you can't insult Virgil, you've moved on to me," Logan said staring at Roman in an Are-you-an-idiot-wait-don't-answer-that-question kind of way.

"Ooh..." I said very softly while Roman was trying to take it back. "It's okay, I can take it but if you keep it up, you'll have a diss track coming your way. You malodorous scent-urion. Uh." Logan said very pridefully making the people at the Ravenclaw table laugh at the joke. The rest of us were very confused "Burn...?" Patton said in a confused tone while looking between Roman and Logan. "I don't know if that was a diss..." Roman started off before fading out. "Like a Roman centurion. Or like, but also, scent. As in like a smell." Logan was trying to clear up some of the confusion but I couldn't take it anymore. "Logan, buddy, um... An insult doesn't really have that punch when you have to explain it afterwards," I said nervously.

"Like I was saying before I was interrupted by the Microsoft Turd," Roman said before I cut him off. "Same joke," "It was a variation and I can think of a Microsoft Third, Oh look, I just did," Roman said making me sigh. "I was the fourth if you didn't already notice," I said to the lady, forgot her name, that called us up here. She just nodded and led Patton to the sorting hat. As soon as the hat sat on his head it said, "You're undeniably a Hufflepuff, but you definitely have some strong Gryffindor qualities. You proudly wear your heart on your sleeve, but you lack the recklessness of a true Gryffindor, which means that you don't act on your feelings without thinking. Your kindness and openness are what originally attracts other people to you, but they stay for your unwavering loyalty, meaning you're constantly surrounded by a large group of friends. So...HUFFLEPUFF!!!" Patton took the hat off his head and walked to the Hufflepuff table.

Roman was next so he just sat on the stool while the hat started to mumble again. "You have all the loyalty of a Hufflepuff, but your affinity for Gryffindor ensures that that loyalty is fierce: You would do almost anything for your loved ones, even if it has a negative effect on you personally. This means that your friends and family members often come to you when in need, but it's also important to remember to spend time taking care of yourself. You wear your heart on your sleeve and impulsively act on your emotions without fear of the consequences. So...GRYFINDOR!!!" Roman did the same as Patton and walked to his new table.

A few people were mumbling about how two of the four of us were already sorted into different houses. I knew this was going to happen, but there is no way to change it.

Logan walked quickly up the steps and put the hat on his head. "You definitely belong in Ravenclaw, but you have a kindness that sets you apart from most. While some Ravenclaws can be seen as slightly haughty or intimidating, your Hufflepuff side means you are more approachable, and therefore have an easier time making friends. Despite your softness, you find it easy to detach yourself from emotional situations and give objective viewpoints, making you the perfect person to go to for advice. ...RAVENCLAW!!!!" I just sighed and watched as the others were gossiping even more.

I was next so I nervously walked up and sat on the stool. As soon as the hat was on my head I felt the hat sorting through my memories. "You seem to be an almost perfect combination of all four houses, which is incredibly rare – you're equal in your intelligence, bravery, loyalty, and ambition." The hat said shocking everyone in the hall. "But the one I believe you will find friends that will never lie to you and you will be a good fit is...SLYTHERIN!!!!" I shakily took the hat off my head and walked to the green table and sat at the very end where no one was sitting at.

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