Chapter Thirty-Two: Punishment

Start from the beginning

"You know, villains are quite stupid."


"They overlooked a very crucial thing."


"I guess they know what it is."


"What the hell is this kid saying?" The boss cut in.


"You'll see." Todoroki said with a hope in his eyes.


"Thanks for being stupid."


Bakugo didn't get to finish counting, instead his mouth hung upon at the sight that was unfolding in front of him. Todoroki had, some how, managed to stand up... He thrusted towards a dumbfounded Bakugo and freed him. Bakugo didn't waste anytime as he dashed towards his boyfriend, who still showed no signs of moving, except for the occasional blinking. He attempted to free Midoriya, but failed. He attempted again and again and again.

"Use your quirk, that's how I got free." Todoroki said in between punches.

     Bakugo shot Todoroki a look filled with appreciation and Todoroki smiled back. He let a small explosion free and the rope disintegrated, letting Midoriya go. Bakugo swiftly pulled him into his own arms and kissed his forehead. There was no time for words, as someone socked Bakugo behind his head. Anger, resentment, revenge, despair, all flowed through Bakugo as he planned a counterattack, but to do that he had to put the fragile boy down and that was the last thing he wanted.

"Bakugo, put Midoriya against the wall and cover him until he can move." Todoroki said, as  if he read Bakugo's thoughts.

Bakugo follows his instructions and set Midoriya down, he had a slight smile and turned around to kill anyone or anything that tries to lay a finger on his precious baby.

Things were looking bad for the young heroes, they were getting cornered, it was six against two, and the six were extremely powerful.

"Bakugo, where did you leave off?" Todoroki suddenly asked.


"When you were counting?"


"Start counting down from five."

This time Bakugo didn't ask any questions, he just did it, he knew Todoroki had something magnificent planned.

"Four." Bakugo said.

"Three." Todoroki chimed in.


"One point five."


"Point five."


Suddenly, the entire wall was ripped apart and someone stepped in. Bakugo, Todoroki, and Midoriya finally let a sigh of relief pass through their lips. They were greeted by All Might and a bunch of other heroes and cops.

"We are saved." Todoroki croaked, finally letting the mask fade. He had to be strong so his friends would be safe. They are safe, they are all gonna be okay.

"Young Bakugo, Young Todoroki, where are Young Midoriya's clothes?" They both shrugged in unison.

"Don't worry, I got this." Bakugo assured. He proceeded to take his shirt off and place it on a naked Midoriya. He was lucky that Bakugo was taller than him and the shirt was already a little big on the blonde, so it looked like a dress on Midoriya. It stopped a little bit before his knees, just long enough to cover his lower area. A bare chested Bakugo picked up Midoriya, bridal style and started to carry him away. He paused for a moment and said "Let's go Todoroki." And started walking again.

Todoroki was surprised, to say the least. He never thought that Bakugo would invite him to come along. He didn't question it and followed the two.

Midoriya started regaining control over his movements, his once limp arms were now tightly wrapped around Bakugo's neck and they walked, well Bakugo walked.

The three of them walked, casually, leisurely, with panic, rushed, relieved, and most of all with the mindset of getting out of there as quickly as humanly possible.

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