#188: Little Johnny's Cats

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Answer to #187: They are standing on a rocky path. She reaches into the bag, pulls out one of the black stones and then pretending to be clumsy drops it onto the rocky path. "Oh my," she exclaims, "I dropped it, but whichever color stone is still in the bag will tell us which color stone I dropped!"
(Dedicated to surimint)

Little Johnny's teacher asks him, "If I gave you two cats, then two more, and two more cats; how many would you have?"

Little Johnny replies, "Seven!"

His teacher asks him again more slowly, "If I gave you two cats, then two more, and two more cats; how many would you have?"

But again Little Johnny replies, "Seven!"

Next she asks, "If I get two cats, then two more, and two more cats; how many would I have?"

Little Johnny replies, "Six!"

"Good Job Johnny! Now if I gave you two cats, then two more, and two more cats; how many would you have?"

Johnny thinks for a second, "Seven."

But Johnny is not wrong. Why? [Slide for answer]

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