Vitamins and Hair!

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I'm sure you have probably heard of people using vitamin supplements to help hair growth (liquid biotin, Vitamin E pills, etc). But healthy hair is so much more than that! People often disregard the connection between overall health, and your hair, or the fact that most hair vitamins are labeled "Hair, Skin and Nails". So think about it, if you experience a lot of acne what do you do? (BESIDES skin care products)... You change your diet, we know things like soda can cause acne, but did you know what you eat can help your natural hair journey?

Vitamin AGrowth and Moisture

Although Vitamin A can promote growth and moisture in your hair, too much can be detrimental. Its recommended not to exceed 700mcg per day. Common foods containing Vitamin A are; sweet potatoes, carrots, spinach, kale and dairy products.

Vitamin B (Biotin)Growth, Shine, and Thickness

Biotin helps your body create red blood cells which carry oxygen and nutrients to your scalp and hair follicles. Biotin is commonly found in most meats, seafood, almonds, eggs, and dark, leafy greens.

Vitamin CGrowth

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps your hair absorb iron and create collagen. Vitamin C is known to be found in citrus, strawberries, and peppers.

Vitamin DGrowth

Vitamin D is actually produced through exposure to sun rays and it helps to create new hair follicles. If sun exposure isn't enough, fatty fish and mushrooms are a good source of vitamin D.

Vitamin EGrowth

Vitamin E is found in sunflower seeds, almonds, spinach and avacadoes.


Iron helps your red blood cells carry oxygen to cells. Foods rich in iron include; clams, oysters, eggs, red meat, spinach, lentils, and chicken.

ZincRestoration and Repair

Just like Vitamin A, too much Zinc is NOT a good thing, 15-30mg of Zinc is recommended to avoid hair loss. Zinc is found in chocolate, turkey, lentils, pumpkin seeds, beef, spinach and oysters.


Your hair is made of protein so you can imagine how important protein is to healthy hair. Protein is found in most meats and nuts.


Omega-3 is found in most variations of fish, egg yolks, and walnuts.

Reminder: Water is crucial to healthy hair, it is recommended that you drink 64oz of water per day!!***DISCLAIMER: Red meat takes your body about 7 days to digest completely, so refrain from having red meat more than once per week!


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