Second Day

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Wash. Dry. Fold. Repeat.

Doing laundry at Welton Academy was the absolute worst. And not even being recognized for it! Oh sure, they'll mention everything about the new professor, Mr. Keating, but not the new girl that makes sure they don't smell like death? I even have to wrap my face face with a clean towel for some of these clothes they throw down here. The smell is horrid, I'm suprised it hasn't made its way upstairs in the dormitories.

And it's only my second day.

I heard a knock on the door behind me. Half wishing someone came here to take over as I opened the door to see Dean Nolan staring right at my nose. "I was coming here to see how things were going Ms. Ha'an, but I have a more pressing question about the towel wrapped around your head." He said with elegance. He took a long, hard breath before coughing slightly. "I see... Never mind that. How are you doing? Is the work too much for you?" Nolan raised an eyebrow.

"Not at all," I untied the towel and clutched it by my side. "I'm doing just fine." My face went grim. I bet he was testing me. See if I'm unfit.

"These boys can be a lot to handle," He reached out and grabbed my shoulder, squeezing it slightly. "But if they know that a female, a young woman is within the walls of Welton Academy, they will be a lot worse, as well as their clothes."

I swallowed. Twice. "I'm guessing that's a warning... but you don't have to worry about that sir."

"Are you married?"

I scoffed. "Well, I'm only 18," I checked my attitude. Don't want to be fired on the second day. " I'm not married."

"You'd better watch out for these boys, Victoria." His blue eyes peered into mine with intimidation. "These boys are to focus on their studies and extracurriculars. You need to focus on your job. Only your job. Do you understand that?"

I tried not to look at the ground as I responded meekly, "Yes sir."

He let go of me and straightened himself out, as if his suit wasn't starched enough. "I'm going to go back to my office. Is there anything that you need or have any questions about Ms. Ha'an?"

I thought for a moment. I'd forgotten about... "My room." I said abruptly.

"What about it? It is small for a necessary reason."

"It's not that," I twiddled my thumbs behind my back, careful not to drop the towel. "I never... found my room."

Both of his eyebrows rose. "What?"

"I got lost, and this is the only place I know, and I felt embaressed to tell the others about it because Mr. Keating found his just fine and..."

Nolan put his hand out, stopping my rambling, and asked, "Where did you sleep last night?"

At this moment I looked down. "In here."

He sighed and looked down at his watch. "Good timing. Get your luggage and let's get to you room."

"What about the b-"

They are in their classes now. We'd best hurry. They get out in 10 minutes."


These stone walls seemed so ancient. The architecture of this place is spectacular, beautiful, full of stories. I guess I would appreciate it more if I wasn't rushing with my luggage scraping against the ground at my heels. Besides the wheels of my suitcase making such a racket, it was so quiet. Peaceful even.

"We've got five minutes, Ms. Ha'an. We're almost to your room." Mr. Nolan commented after moments of silence.

My stomach rumbling collided with the noise of the suitcase. "When is lunch?" I asked, slightly impatient while clutching my stomach.

He turned back to glanced at me. "In ten minutes, that's why all the boys will be bolting out of their classes once that bell rings. Mrs. Petrov makes some good lasagna. I'm grabbing some before I go back to my office."

"Wait," I stopped in my tracks, confused. "There's another woman at this school, besides me?"

He stopped abruptly as well to turn around completely and glare back at me, his face pale red. "Mrs. Petrov is 54 years old, married, and has two sons And she would report any boy trying to engage with her." His voice rose, with rage. "You two are in different positions. It is NOT the same. Do not compare yourself to Mrs. Petrov."

It was hard to repress a smile from the admiration he had for Mrs. Petrov. She might as well be married to him. My free hand clasped behind my back, idly rubbing the hem of my new Welton jacket. I stared at the stones beneath my feet. "Yes sir."

I drown him out as he speaks about his favorite dishes that she 'supposedly' makes for him every Friday. I'm still staring at the stones below me, seemingly interested in the rough edges of it when I see something move to my right.

No. Not something.


They're getting out. Crap .

But it wasn't dozens of students. It was just one. I glance over, trying not to draw Mr. Nolan's attention. Me and the boy lock eyes.

He was a little bit taller than me. His light brown hair, with bangs that swept over his face shone in the sunlight that lit the hallway that he stood frozen in. And so did his brown eyes and a face that screamed trouble. For about 10 seconds, we just stared at each other. He was seeming to just have the realization that I'm here. At Welton.

His lips curled up to a cocky grin and he stalked back into his classroom.

I'm so getting fired.

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