Part 1

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Lately I haven't been sleeping well. So waking up Monday morning for work took a lot of effort even though it's already 10. Feeling like I have the world's worst hangover I took my time getting out of bed. I pushed my brightly coloured blanket off to the side and slowly got up. The sun was streaming through the curtains illuminating my somewhat messy bedroom. Still half asleep I nearly face planted tripping over a stack of books. Ugh come on y/n get your shit together and clean ya damn room today, or at least this week. Eh screw it, I'll do it on the weekend.
I make my way to the kitchen in my small studio apartment in desperate need of a coffee. Once I'm a bit more awake I get ready for work and leave for the short walk to the bar and restaurant where I'm about to spend 8 long hours when I'd rather be in bed curled up with a good book.

~ time skip ~

I live for the moments of getting home after a long day of work, slipping into my sweats and binge watching my favourite tv show which is of course supernatural. You see I was a normal girl, I had a social life until that adorable son of a bitch walked into my life and said "dad's on a hunting trip and he hasn't been home in a few days"(don't lie and say you didn't just read that in Dean's voice cos I totally did). So that there kids is how I turned into a crazy fangirl that pretty much just works, sometimes go out on the weekends which is rare considering my anxiety but mainly just reads or obsess over fictional characters. Yep that basically sums me up.

Curling up on the couch with my big fluffy blanket last nights leftover dinner, I turn on Netflix and switch to season 1 of supernatural. Seeing as I gotta wait another 2 more months til season 14 comes out might as well watch it through again, again.
I know I might sound crazy but being a hunter, saving people and hunting down monsters while also getting to travel just sounds like a dream to me. I've always wanted to travel, never leaving the same boring town tends to make you feel like that. And getting the chance to do more with your life by being a hunter and putting others before yourself just feels right, plus meeting Sam and Dean would be awesome. I know, I sound like an obsessed fangirl.
My life hasn't been exactly easy or great, hey don't get me wrong I love my family but we aren't much of a family anymore. And yeh I know everyone has their own troubles, so if I got given the chance to do more with my life and help people then yeah I would take it no questions asked. In a way I look up to Sam and Dean, literally if I got given the chance. They have seen so much bad but manage to remain good and to see the good in people.

Somewhere between episode 9 and 10 I manage to fall asleep, weird given I haven't been sleeping lately. One minute Dean's picking some chick in a bar the next I'm passed out, probably snoring, on the couch.

Alternate Universe - Supernatural FanficNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ