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Daxton's POV

For Isla's first time driving in America, shes actually a pretty good driver.

Throughout the whole ride me and Isla made small conversation. I think if Bella wasn't with us we probably wouldn't of talked much if at all.

This car journey has definitely proved mine and the boys theory to be right, Isla is definitely a private person and there is something big she isn't telling us.

Now I can't speak for anyone else but whatever Isla is hiding the eagerness to know is definitely eating away at me and I know the boys are also itching to find out what.

I hope we find out. Either way we would support her and not judge her. I know that sometimes we can be overwhelming I mean ask anyone who knows us. Yes we can be annoying, we can be careless, we can be players and list goes on and on but something that people also know about us is that even know we are all this stereotypical teen boys is that we always
Put family first no matter what. Even though we hardly know Isla and Bella, I can definitely speak for the boys behave in saying that we love them just as much if they were blood. We have always wanted a sister to protect and now we have two little sisters to protect let's just say we take that job position very seriously.

We finally arrived at the beach. It is a golden sand beach. The tide was around midway out and the place was crowded. Colourful umbrellas were scattered randomly throughout the long beach. People running up and down from the water to their belongings. Shouting and screaming of excitement could be heard over the peaceful sound of the ocean blue waves crashing against the shore.

"Islaaaaa PLEASE PRETTY PLEASEEEE can we get some ICECREAM!!" Bella jumped up and down while eyeing up the closes ice cream parlour.
"Of course Bellaboo." Isla replied with her thick British accent.

Isla decided that she wanted to explore and take some photographs. When she mentioned this I thought I would take this as an opportunity to make a conversation and hopefully, fingers crossed start some sort of a friendship.

"So you enjoy photography,huh?"
"Uh huh" she bluntly answered.
"You'll have to show me some of your work and then maybe I could try and paint one. If that's obviously okay with you."
"Wait you paint?"
Omg I actually got more than two words out of her at on time. Just call me a miracle worker.
"Yeah I do. It calms me down ya know?"
"That's so cool. I used to do a lot of art before I got a camera but now I mostly enjoy photography." She smiled slightly before turning her attention back to taking a photo of the beach.

Yes that's right! I got two sentences and a small smile. It maybe small but it was a bloody smile never the least.

I decided to take this opportunity to ask her about any other hobbies or things she did in England. I know that she did figure skating as Jaden messaged me in the car telling me about the discoveries they had discovered in her box.

As we slowly made our way towards one of the many ice cream parlours that are placed along the beach front I decided to pluck up the courage and ask a question to Bella then hopefully if my plan works redirect my question to Isla so then she would have to answer it.

"So Bella in England did you do any activities or anything like that?" I innocently asked her.

Bella looked up at Isla as if asking for permission to tell me or not. This put Isla in a very awkward position as you can tell she doesn't want Bella to tell me but she doesn't know how to tell Bella not to say nothing with me stood there waiting patiently for an answer.

Bella being the smartest 5 year old I know answered my question quickly but not giving to much away.
"I did a couple of things but I was very young then so I guess.... it doesn't count." She shrugged before turning back to the ice cream.
"What about you Isla?" I asked casually like I didn't plan it all along.
"Umm...... no not really mostly painted and did photography." She lied.

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