Sleepy Pete

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Peter stalked into the lab tiredly. Last night he got only 2 hours of sleep, so by now, he was running purely on his Starbucks coffee. As soon as Tony saw him, he did a double take. The kid looked like shit. Tony let out a low whistle. Peter looked at him.

"Pete, you look like absolute shit," Tony quipped. Peter shrugged then sat down at his lab table. The kid was completely quiet during the session, the only sound was when he would put his coffee cup down.

Peter went to sip absentmindedly when he noticed that the cup was empty. He let out a loud groan and Tony looked at him. Peter turned in his spinny chair and glared at the cup in his hand.

"This bitch empty! YEET!" he screamed as he chucked the empty cup at the wall. After that, he turned back to his work as if nothing had happened. Tony was staring at the kid, wide eyed. What the actual fuck? Peter sighed as he finished up his work. It was Friday, so he was spending the night at the compound. So, with one gesture (not a nice one, may I add) to Tony, Peter went to his room to sleep.

That was how Tony found out about how Peter is when he's tired, he nicknamed that personality 'Sleepy Pete'

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