New Day, New Millie

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(I'll be twitching between point of views for Finn and Millie.)

Millie's POV.
I got out of bed and sorted myself out. I had some sleep since 6 and I was feeling better than before. Just the dream and the film made me sad. That's all. Today is a new day. For a new day, a new Millie.

Finn's POV.
Millie got up after her long sleep from 6. I felt bad for her. She didn't look fine and she was suffering between the movie parts. She wouldn't tell me why or what was upsetting her but my guess was that she felt haunted by her dream and watching a romantic film that soon turns at the end was a bad option.

Millie's POV.
I put on my clean clothes and sorted out my hair before snapping a photo and instagramming my friends.

I put on my clean clothes and sorted out my hair before snapping a photo and instagramming my friends

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@sadiesink - who gave you that teddy bear?

@noahshnapp - maybe finnie since she's staying at his

@milliebbrown - how would you know @noahshnapp?

@noahshnapp - brother told me when I came over.

@sadiesink - don't be doing any naughty things with Wolfhard or we'll be round there

@milliebbrown - SADIE!

After an awkward conversation on my post we all agreed to meet on Facebook messenger instead. I looked over to Finn who was already dressed and sorting his bed out.

"Thanks for the teddy!" I say hugging the teddy close.

"It was meant for you anyway." He told. I squeal and hug Finn instead.

"I love you so much." I said giggling.

Finn's POV.
I love Millie in this mood. She's cute and adorable. I won the teddy for her at the carnival awhile ago back where I used to live before moving here. I won it and kept it in my room till I had someone to give it to. But Millie doesn't need to know that.

"We're gonna hang out with the gang." Millie says grabbing her stuff and packing them away.

"That's fine. Are we stopping by your house first?" I ask.

"Yeah. I could drop these off and we'll head off." I searched around for my phone and handed Millie's hers. "Thanks babe!" We froze after realising what Millie said.


"I didn't say that?" She lied.

"You did." I answered.

"Oh what does it matter? We're in a relationship." Millie shrugged. We made our way downstairs and said bye to my parents before going to Millie's.

Millie's POV.
"Mom! Dad! I'm home!" I yelled as I stepped through the door. "It's Millie!"

"Millie?" I heard someone call. I saw my Mom come out and she saw me and Finn. She threw out her arms and hugged us both. "Oh! My darling Millie! How was your night?"

"It was fine." I answered.

"Fine?" She looked to Finn. I looked to Finn and begged him not to tell my mom through eyes.

"Yeah. We watched tv mostly." Finn said with a smile at the end.

"Oh okay then." My mom turned and walked off. I dropped my bag off upstairs and shouted back at my mom.

"I'm off out with Finn." I shout to my mom.

"Okay! Don't be late home." I hear my mom shout.

"Okay." I head out and meet the gang near a nearby shop.

Finn's POV.
"Alright guys!" Caleb said as he noticed me and Millie walking up to them.

"No funny business then?" Sadie asks crossing her arms and smiling.

"No!" Millie answers. "Why you guys bothered anyway?"

"We're not!" Gaten said.

"So..." I started.

"Why don't we all go to cinema. There's this film screening and it's meant to be good." Noah joined in.

"Why not?" We all agreed and head to the cinema. I held Millie's hand half way there. She held mine and we shared a sweet moment. She looked to me and I looked to her. Our eyes connecting and shinning. I can't wait to have Millie alone.


Whilst at the theatre everyone chose a film to watch as Millie and I stood behind and gazed at each other.

"Come on love birds." Sadie says to us.

"Quit it Sadie!" I say.

"I'm not gazing at Millie!" Sadie joked and we all walked into the cinema. We sat at the back and in the middle row. We sat back and enjoyed the start.


Half way through the film, I caught Sadie doing some hand gestures to the guy she has a crush on. I spied on them and looked to Millie. Her eyes were closed and she seemed to be asleep. I tapped and she opened her eyes and looked to me.

"Sorry." She apologises.

"It's fine." I say.

"What's up?" Millie whispers. I look over and she's not doing it anymore. I look back to Millie.

"It's nothing." I whisper back. We continue to watch the rest of the film and head out afterwards.


"I thought you said it was a good film?" Caleb asked Noah.

"It was rubbish." Gaten added.

"I liked it." Noah said. "Who else?" He looked around the room and no one spoke up. I felt bad for Noah. He tried to get people to like the film but no one seemed interested.

"Millie! Finn! Did you like it?" Me and Millie exchange looks before answering our friend.

"Well I..."

"Enjoyed it. It was confusing but I caught on." I lied.

"Really!" Noah smiled.

"Yeah." I smile. Noah smiled and we all walked out. I held Millie and pulled her back to have a talk to her. "Millie? We need to talk about something." I start. "I think you need to know about Sadie and her crush."

"Who is it?" Millie asks.

"It's... don't be angry or ought." I say. "It's Gaten." As I told her Millie looked shocked at first.

"Really!" Millie says. I nod. "Wow!" Was all she had to say.

"Don't tell Sadie you know." I tell Millie.

"I won't." She winked. I knew that meant something but I not bothered to even care.

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