Blood Brother Ritual

Start from the beginning

Of course, before she could truly place herself in a comfortable position on her desk, she was jabbed in the abdomen by the person sitting next to her. She hissed at the sudden attack and glared at Maelene.

"What the bloody hell was that for?" She grumbled as she rubbed her stomach.

Marlene didn't seem to care about the pain that she inflicted on her friend and just turned to her and whispered, "it seems like your boyfriend and the others are going to be late to class."

Iris huffed and shoved her friend, almost sending her onto the floor, and glared at her. "How many times do I have to say that he isn't my boyfriend!" She bristled, "besides why would I care if they're late or not, they're big boys who can take care of themselves."

"Take care of themselves," Marlene scoffed under her breath, "I'm sure the lot of them are getting detention from a professor right about now."

"I have no doubt about that, but as I said, I don't care!"

Marlene continued her teasing, "I thought you would be a more caring girlfriend, Iris."

Iris groaned while pulling at her hair, "Stop it!"

Lily looked over to see Marlene chuckling under her breath while her sister was red in the face and pouting. Her eyebrow arched at the display and leaned over to Wendy, "what do you think is happening?"

Wendy glanced at the pair and shrugged her shoulders, "no idea."

They could tell that Marlene was having a fun time teasing Iris over something. From the smile that was stretched across the McKinnon girls face and the flustered expression on Iris' face, they could guess that their friend had decided to tease Iris about Sirius. They had enjoyed using that against her ever since they had found the two of them snuggled against each other on one of the common room couches a few weeks ago.

Even though she constantly declared that there was nothing going on between them, they all begged to differ. Did she think they didn't notice how she and Sirius spent their times at night together? They weren't thick.

Lily hummed and shook her head, "no doubt something stupid."

"Knowing those two, definitely."

The rest of the students, Gryffindors and Ravenclaws, all settled in their seats scattered around the classroom. The ghostly figure of Professor Binns floated along the ground as he approached the front of the classroom. The class was about to start and there was still no sign of the Marauders at all.

Iris didn't notice that at all... Well, maybe she did notice. However, she didn't care about it... Okay, maybe she did care a little. What sort of trouble had they gotten into? She was irritated that she hadn't been invited to spread chaos throughout the school with them. Instead, her friends had dragged her to their first class of the day. Of course, that may have been her own fault. She had been given detention by most of the professors after she had entered the class late a few times and even missed a few lessons.

Granted it wasn't always her fault that she was late! The boys were the ones who usually included her in pranks and etcetera that caused her tardiness. Not only that, but Regulus and Lucius had been following her around the castle all the time. She had decided to try and avoid them by taking alternate routes to her classes which only results in her being late. Now, she wasn't one for hiding from a problem, but they were annoying! Merlin, she didn't know what they wanted from her! However, the professors didn't care for her possible excuses.

Professor Binns started his lesson, "open your books to page..." Iris yawned and rested her head on her desk. She had finally closed her eyes while ignoring the lesson when the doors to the classroom opened. James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter waltzed into the classroom without a care. Professor Binns didn't falter in his lecture, as usual. History of Magic happened to be the only class where anyone could get away with anything. Just as long as you don't miss the class in its entirety, then you would be fine.

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