Our kids

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There was a knock n the door and Sofia got up and opened the door to see her daughter Jelena

"Hey ,Lena." Said Sofia

"Hey mom." Said Jelena

"I'll see ya in nine months ." Said Calum

"Okay." Said Jelena

With that he drove away

."ready to meet everyone .' Said Sofia

"Yeah ." Said Jelena

She let Jelena in and she closed the door and they boy walked in and everyone looked at them

"Hey,guys meet my daughter ,Jelena ." Said Sofia

"Hi." Said Jelena

"Hi I'm ashlie ." Said ashlie

"Jelena." Said Jelena

"How ,is she your daughter if you only had kids to beau." Said Hannah

"She's not beau's."said Sofia

"Then,who's .' Said shay

"Mine and Calum's ."'said Sofia

"You ,slept with Calum." Said Carla

"Yes but remember that night ,when I got wasted and you couldn't find me ,well I was with Calum." Said sofia

"Oh." Said beau

"Your beautiful." Said Anthony

"Thank you." Said Jelena

"What,nickname should we give you." Said Amy

"Jel,or Lena." Said Jelena

"I like it.' Said shay

"Are you a emo or goth." Said Jelena

"Emo."'said Amy

"That's cool.". Said Jelena

"Really." Said Amy

"Yeah." Said Jelena

"Then,we're gonna be good friends ." Said Amy

"Have you got emo ,friends.." Said Shaun

"Yes,even girly girls ,tomboys and gay people ." Said Jelena

"Oh." Said Shaun

Jelena ,phone beeps ,she gets her phone out and goes on youtube ,and sees her video jealous is on there and she accidentally played it.

"Is that you singing ." Said Jai

"Yeah . " said Jelena

"Any thing is." Said Amy

"I can,dance ,play drums,bass,guitar ,keyboard,flute ,violin ,gymnastics and that's it." Said Jelena

"Show us some gymnastics." Said Amy

"Okay." Said jelena

She does the splits,then went from the splits to a crab and then a one handed kartwheel.

"Oh my gosh,show us some dance moves ." Said Charlie

"Okay, I'll do a move and it's sick." Said Jelena

"Show,us ." Said Charlie

She does the robot and then a back flip.

"That ,is some bad man ting." Said Leanne


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