Chapter 8. "Memories loss.. but not what the heart wants

Start from the beginning

After he's done, he stand up straight to grab the glass of milk, until he feel a tail wrap around his ankle with a quick glance cat-form Da Qing was there.

"When did you sneak in fatty cat huh?" as Zhao put down his glass of milk and look at no where.

"Lin Jing always had the answers." Da Qing cat-form said.

"Remind me to compiscate that. What are you doing here?" Zhao asked as he turned around and reach for the frying pan.

"You always let me stay here and now you're asking me why I'm here just because Professor Shen is sleeping so sound over there." cat-form Da Qing gesturing his head towards Shen Wei's unconscious body in the bed.

Zhao kicked the black cat-form Da Qing away from him who ran faster away from him before the feet touches his black fur.

He let out an exaggerated sighed and went back probably make breakfast. He's not the type of person who would make someone's favorite breakfast, and set it all cutely on a tray, decorated with flower petals. But now - he made exemptions.

This was a rare morning when Zhao decided to cook breakfast - usually when he woke up he would head straight to the SIU, skipping breakfast. This was also the first morning all years he felt like himself, the vibrant and happiness.

Zhao enjoy making breakfast by now and maybe he could teach a thing or two about it as he grabbed the spatula and started flipping the pancakes.

"Sorry fatty.. but I got some stuff to do today," he said quick glancing at the black fur cat-form Da Qing below the couch and added.

"I have a reputation to hold up!" Zhao gave a bitter laugh.

"Do you think Professor Shen would eat that?" black cat-form Da Qing said and added.

"But I would like to give it a taste." appreciating the fact that Zhao had gotten up and cooked breakfast to fill his hunger too.

Zhao gave him a scolding glare as Da Qing timidly hide below the couch. Suddenly a gravitational force pulled Da Qing slowly towards the Chief making the least noise possible.

"S-sorry Chief Zhao.. I'm just joking." Zhao started laughing before getting back to work on his pancakes and he let go of the cat but then he changes his mind abruptly grab Da Qing the cat again startling him.

Zhao sat like a cat looking mad then he laughed, "You're so fucking adorable damn fat cat." he said cursing while grinning happily.

Once he had finished making pancakes, he put some sausage in the microwave and some eggs on the stove. As Zhao were cooking, he walked to get some cups for the both of them completely excluding Da Qing. When Zhao grabbed them he picked it up and set it onto the counter.

In this morning light Shen Wei's fingers twitched. He tried to regain the control of his body but he feels like he must be in heaven, it was quiet and peacefull until he hear noises. Maybe dying wasn't the worst thing that could happened to a person.

Then came a new feeling, the feeling of being restrained. No, not restrained, but held down. The feeling was the same as a heavy blanket pressing down on his entire body. His skin was wet, as if it were covered in some liquid.

Finally, he forced his eyes open. He was immediately blinded by the sudden light. Shen Wei blinked several times to get rid of the blurriness. Pain was present, every part of his body felt it. It wasn't a sharp pain, it felt old and in the process of healing.

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