The Nerd Life Episode 11: Girl Fight

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When I finally got home I rushed out of the car and ran into the house without looking back. I locked the door and slid down it. I didn't want to admit it, but my heart felt like it was breaking in two pieces that would never fit back together. I had fallen for a guy that was all wrong for me. I had fallen for a jock, I had fallen for a liar.

The tears were flowing freely down my cheeks now and I couldn't stop the sobs that were escaping my mouth. I took of my glasses and threw them at the wall. They shattered. I had to remember to put things for me to throw by the front door.

"No I won't." I stood and with determination went to the phone. I dialed aunt Mildred's number. I told them what I had to. They needed to know about Tyler. So what if he never talked to me again. He never really talked to me before.

After hanging up I went to my room. I didn't even bother taking off my shoes, I just flung myself on my bed, and hugged my favorite pillow. It had a picture of a horse on it.

I fell asleep right away.


I welcomed school on Monday. Only three more months and I was done with school. Dad didn't discourage me from going to college, he wanted me to do what I wanted. Which was to become an artist.

Mom drove me to school on her way to take the girls to daycare. I wanted to be left alone today, but everbody shot me weird looks. With my glasses broken I was forced to wear contacts.

All Tessie could talk about was the party. I rolled my eyes and struggled to keep a straight face. It was easier to keep my emotions under control than I assumed.

"So what did you do after you found your friend?" Tessie smacked her gum and tossed her short red shoulder length hair around.

"I went home," I shrugged, "It wasn't that cool of a party."

"Yeah it was you just didn't have fun," Tessie sighed, "You have always been like that though."

"Like what?" I braced myself for the insult I was sure would come next.

"You never really try anything new. I mean how many times have you actually tried to do something that scared you?" I didn't expect her to be like that.

"How in the hell did I ever think you were a friend?" I stood from the lunch table, "You are a bossy evil bitch."

"Atleast my brother didn't knock up a girl and take her against her will." she stood up and got right in my face.

"You are messing with the wrong girl."

"Don't you mean nerd?"

"I'd rather be a nerd than spend my free time on my back."

I wasn't expecting her to smack me and I was honestly suprised that I punched back. She hit the floor and instinct took over. I jumped on her and we struggled until two teachers pulled us apart. I was still kicking and fighting but Tessie was holding her bleeding lip.

I refused to explain myself to anybody. They called my parents, but I didn't know which one would pick me up. My dad would probably be more upset.

I cringed when I heard my dad's voice.

"Where is my daughter?"

"In Mr. Tanner's office."

He smiled at me he obviously wasn't too angry.

"Come on let's go," My dad pulled me up.

"What's going on?"

"They suspended you for two days."

"I know dad, but what is so urgent?"

"They think they found Mille and Tyler," I followed him out to the. Main hallway, "They are in northern Tennessee."

"So are they going to get them?"

"Not yet. They want to wait a couple days so the kids don't run."

"Do they want to come home?"

"No, but Tyler doesn't deserve to have freedom," He pointed a finger at me, "One things for sure. He can't see that girl anymore."

"That's harsh," I didn't understand why they would give him a reason to leave again. What if Tessie was telling the truth about Millie?

"Where have you been the past few days? He put everybody through a lot."

I was busy falling for a guy who was only being nice to me because my brother had paid him two hundred dollars. But you're right you've had it pretty rough.

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