Matthew wondered down into the kitchen to find Ivan there already, making the boy's medicine. Matthew stayed silent and stood at the door way, waiting for Ivan to turn around to see him but Ivan stayed looking straight ahead. He stirred the medicine in the mug then lifted his head up a bit, realizing the boy was standing there. He turned around and looked toward the young boy in a bit of nervousness. "Are you alright?" He asked. Matthew shrugged, he didn't know anymore. Everything was just too much for him now. A faded memory had started to take over Matthew's mind, which was already full of confusion. He barely looked at Ivan though, he kept his blank eyes toward the floor. "Matthew?..."


"I-Is something bothering you?" Ivan came closer to the younger boy, against his pain, as Matthew nodded a bit. "What's wrong?... was it... what I told you?..."

"Partly... I'm confused, deeply confused.. But at the same time I just..." He frowned. "I just don't know anymore.. I don't understand..." Ivan frowned and lifted his hand up to the boy's cheek, Matthew quickly looked up at him. Ivan then moved his hand to the boy's head, gliding his fingers through the boy's soft hair.

"I'm sorry." He said, "I didn't mean to upset you like this. I understand you've been through a lot in your life, this isn't making it any better." Matthew blinked.

"What do you mean?..."

"Obviously something happened to you, I can tell." Ivan placed his hand on the boy's left shoulder, then slid it down to his chest. "You were hurt." He slid his finger up and pulled down the boy's collar of his shirt, revealing part of his chest. "You even have a scar." He noticed. Matthew continued to only look only at the Russian's face. "I forced more onto you, I'm sorry."

"I don't..." Matthew's voice trailed off. He reached his hands up to Ivan's collar, then let them drop a little to his chest. He could feel the Russian's chest move with each breath, but no heart beat. He knew he couldn't feel it, there was nothing to feel but he kept his hands there as Ivan kept his hands cuffed around the boy's face. "I just..." Ivan started to get closer to the boy, getting his head closer to him as the two heated up. "You..." Matthew closed his eyes as Ivan moved in more, about to place a kiss on the boy's lips. He closed his eyes and opened his mouth, their lips almost touching...


Ivan quickly jumped back with the huge sound coming from the main hallway. Matthew froze and looked at Ivan in confusion, what in the hell could that be? "Stay here." Ivan told him and quickly took off to the main hallway. Ivan carefully walked through the door to the main part, looking around for anything out of the ordinary. Out of the corner of his eye he could see the basement door shattered to its wooden pieces on the floor. Ivan blinked in shock and looked around more, something or someone got in.

Ivan looked toward the door, then took a step over to take a peek down the stairs to see if he could find anything, only pitch darkness remained. Ivan stood up tall and glared at the door, he knew someone was in his house and he didn't like that idea. His mind quickly switched to worry over Matthew, he could be threatened! Ivan quickly turned back toward the door to leave, placing his hand on the knob. He didn't hear the soft footsteps behind him. One thing he did hear was the sound of gun shooting off... and he could feel... the pain of the bullet going through his back.

Matthew jumped with the sound in the kitchen. He stood still in confusion of what to do, he didn't know what that sound was. The second time he heard it though, he knew what and where it came from and he quickly took off toward the main hallway. He ran as fast as he could, barging through the door and coming into the sight. His eyes widened as he saw Ivan on the ground, blood covering his shoulder and back. "Ivan!"

HetaTale: The Monster's Heart (RusCan)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora