The Start

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"Why don't you want to go on a date with me?" Hanna begged Spencer.

"Because I'm busy Hanna!" Spencer raises her voice at her blond best friend.

"Come on!" Hanna begs more.

"Why do you want to anyways?" Spencer asks.

"Because! I never experimented a girl before, or kissed one" Hanna quietly says. And it was true. Hanna wanted to know how it felt to have that kind of night with a girl.

"Really?" Spencer laughs, "That is why?"

"It's just for one night! No one has to know!" Hanna says.

Spencer rolls her eyes. She then focuses her eyes on Hanna's, "Are you okay, Han?" She asks.

Hanna didn't know how to answer at first, but she shock her head, "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Hanna says.

"You never thought about 'exploring' new options like, sleeping with a girl," Spencer says, "Does this have to do with Caleb leaving to Ravenswood?"

Hanna sighs and rolls her eyes. "Han.." Spencer says softly.

"I don't know, okay?" Hanna said, "I just want to have fun, Spence. Maybe it has to do with him, or maybe it doesn't.. I just know that I want to try somethingnew"

Spencer nods. In a way she understands. She understands why she wants to do this, she also wanted her best friend to be completely moved on from Caleb. "Go ask Aria, even better, ask Emily for your 'experimenting" Spencer suggests.

"Why Emily?" Hanna asks.

"Because she's into girls" Spencer points out.

"Yeah, but Emily's soft, I don't want to hurt her" Hanna says.

Thinking that Hanna meant 'soft' in a intimate way, instead of feelings, Spencer gave her a weird look. "Not body, I meant, Emily's nice and stuff like that, I don't want to hurt her feelings or- ugh never mind" Hanna says failed to explain.

"Try doing the 5 Date" Spencer says.

"What the hell is that" Hanna questions.

"I don't know, I got it from Friends With Benefits, where Mila Kunis sleeps with the guy after 5 dates.. Uh, go on 5 dates with Emily, but see ifshe will make the move to sleep with you, so it doesn't seem like your using her" Spencer insisted.

"Mhm.. That might work" Hanna smile grew, but then has a second thought and worries,"But.. What if she doesn't make the move?"

"Tempt her," Spencer says, "Flirt, touch-" Spencer says but gets cut off by Hanna's words.

"How do you know this" Hanna grins. Then the thought came to Hanna and she blurts out,"Wait, have you sleep with a girl before?"

Spencer's eyes widen and she gets lost of words. "What! Uh, n-,maybe-" Spencer stutters.

"Oh my god! You slept with Aria didn't you?!" Hanna says, with the biggest smile on her face.

"We were drunk! And that was one time!" Spencer says, blushing

"Okay. And, should I ask her out tonight?" Hanna asks.

"Wow.. You really want to try a girl out don't you" Spencer laughs.

"Just one night" Hanna begs

"Then yeah, start tonight." Spencer says.

"Thank you" Hanna says, leaning in to give Spencer a lingering kiss on the cheek.

The Five Date Experiment (A Hannily | Hanna/Emily story)Where stories live. Discover now