[ Y O U N G ] -outro

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Heyheyhey look who's back

hahahahahahaha i haven't updated for so long and it's all thanks to my less-than-barely-existant internet, not-working-properly computer and school. :'))))

i hope this chappy can breifly please you dear reader *throws confetti* yey pls enjoy

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The theater was in an uproar from what they had just seen.

Arc felt like everything was getting out of hand too quickly.

From what Arc could see, some of the younger kids were nodding off, some already dozing and most full on snoring. Even some of the adults were tiredly blinking and rubbing their eyes. (A/N this is me I want to sleep Oof) It was time for a break.

A high pitch sound cut through the theater, making everyone go down on one knee and grab their ears because this noise was painful. (A/N can you imagine the villians trying to kneel because asdfkglgkgn)

The noise thankfully stopped in a few seconds after successfully grabbing everyones attention- but now glares were being directed into open air- people and figured out Arc was to blame. Now only if they could see Arc!

I needed a way to catch everyone's attention, Arc tried to defend themselves.

"Why?" Some random person shouted.

I'll tell you why. You are all tired. From what I know of humans, they need sleep. You all need sleep.

Some of the audience- especially the blue corner- were shaking their heads, disagreeing. They wanted to see the rest!

Arc saw them. I mean it. All of you. Look around. Can you not see that you are all tired?

And indeed, everyone realized how tired they really were- they had all but forgotten from the adrenaline of watching the movie.

They heard Arc sighing. Before I show everyone their rooms- Arc was cut off by shocked people yelling- "Rooms? We have rooms??" 

Arc cleared their throat, causing them to quiet down again.

As I was saying, before I show everyone to their rooms- and was again disrupted by murmurs of excitement.

Will everyone please be quiet! Arc huffed.

AS I WAS SAYING. Arc said pointedly- Everyone needs to eat first. So~

And in the space of a heartbeat, everyone was transported into possibly an even larger room than the theater. Everyone was sitting at long tables- coloured the same as the corners back at the theatre. The big four had their own table. Arc had decided the villains would eat back at the theatre.

Everyone started chattering- wondering what they would eat, current events, complaints i.e.

All of a sudden, a little kid from the Blue corner shouted out- "What about the dragons?"

This caught the attention of everyone- the kid did have a voice that carried. The Berkians stiffened, the Gaurdians sat up in anticipation and the Clans focused on Arc. 

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