"Wow, this is a whole new side to Wes." David commented, causing the boy to blush.

Thad spun the bottle, and it landed on David. "Truth or dare?"


"What's your sexuality?"

David looked a little shocked. Wes looked down to the ground, bracing for the worst.

"I'm bi." Wes's head snapped up.

"What?" He asked hoarsely.

David rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "I hope it doesn't make a difference that I'm the only Warbler council member that's not straight- which, actually, when I think about it, is really messed up that everyone thought it was, like, the only three straight guys in the school."

David spun the bottle and it landed in Skylar. "Truth or dare?"


"Try to do a backflip."

Skylar shook his head. "Get ready to call an ambulance, I haven't attempted one of these in years."

He stood up, jumping and twirling but not landing properly and crashing on the couch. "Ow." He said, causing everyone to laugh and Sebastian to rush over and help him up. Kurt didn't dare laugh for fear of making him angry.

When he got back to the circle, he stretched his neck and spun the bottle.

It landed on Kurt.

"Truth or dare?"

The amount of inflection on which he said dare made it obvious that that's what he wanted Kurt to chose.

So he did. "Dare."

Skylar smiled evilly. He had a plan to expose Kurt for the freak he was. He pretended to think about it. "Hm, let's say... take off your shirt."

Kurt's eyes widened, and the color drained from his face. He didn't dare defy Skylar, so he slowly unbuttoned his blazer.

As he took the sleeves off his arms, everyone could see red lines through the white shirt underneath.

"Hey, what's on your arms, Kurt?" Jeff asked, confused. Kurt merely shot him a terrified look and unbuttoned the shirt, taking it off.

They could all see how unhealthily skinny he was, how his ribs stuck out of his chest. They could see that his torso was covered in bruises.

Most noticeable of all, they could see the scars and cuts that ran down his arms. His self-harm marks.

"Nevermind." Jeff whispered.

Kurt looked to Skylar. "How long do I have to keep it off?"

"Until the end of the game."

Kurt spun the bottle, aware of everyone's stares. He wasn't that fat, was he?

He crossed his arms over his stomach, trying to cover it up.

Gray Skies Ahead (Skies Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now