Welcome to the real world

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I wake up in a beautiful garden, the trees are huge covers the sun from my face, I'm laying in the flowers. Birds are chirping in the distance and I finally relax. I feel the cool air touch my bare skin. It tingles all the way up my body. I stand up admiring the view. My bare feet feel amazing. It's finally home.

I drastically open my eyes and shoot up from my bed. I'm in a small room. It's dark I can hear the wind coming in through the window. I'm in a hotel room. I sit up feeling a little dizzy.
I observe the tiny room. There's 2 beds one which I was in and the other one which looks brand new.

My first thought is going to the window. I love windows when I was younger and my mother left me to go somewhere I used to sit on beside the window and watch the town.
I feel the cool air on my face, and I smile.

"It's nice isn't it?" A English voice whispers

I jump and turn around. It's a women looks like she's in her early 20's, dirty blonde hair. It's cut really short. Till her neck. She's wearing a pink shirt with blue jeans. She's got beautiful sea green eyes.
Staring right at me with a smile,
"I'm not going to hurt you." She says moving a step closer

"Yea, that what you said right before you drugged me," I say
Hearing myself talk makes me feel anxious. I gulp

"We has to, you weren't just gonna come with us by a choice." She says.

My brain goes back to the word we.
As in there's 2 people.

There's silence between us until she speaks up.
"I'm Rose," she sits down on the bed.

She has her eyes locked on mine and I have mine locked on hers.

Should I tell her my name? What is my name? I try to remember.

"What do you want from me?" I ask harshly.

She chuckles "you don't know anything do you?"

I give her a confused look.
She was interrupted with a loud bang on the door.

"ROSE! It's ME open the DOOR!" A male voice yells

I look at Rose, "Relax, it's only Hunter"

She gets up and opens the door. A male comes in my view.

He's got crystal blue eyes and light brown hair. He looks younger than Rose but older than me that's for sure. He's wearing a tight black T- shirt that makes his muscles visible. His eyes are so beautiful. I can't help but stare at them.

"Can't believe you did that," he mumbles as he walks into the room.

He doesn't even acknowledge me and just starts arguing with Rose.

"What?" She asks.

"They could've seen us! didn't you ever think of that before you brought her!" He yells.

Is he talking about me?

"She's not a threat. Joseph has to understand that!" Rose says

I'm so confused
"We can't do this." Hunter says his eyes meet mine his eyes burning with anger.

"We leave at first light. Leave her here." His voice sharp and emotionless. He storms out the room

Rose looks defeated
"Why is he so mad?" I ask

" you really don't know what's going on in the world do you?"

I shake my head
She sighs "we're in the middle of a war."

My eyes widen

Her voice becomes clean and emotionless as well "when I mean middle I mean, there's no way out."


Hope you like chapter 2! Who's your favourite character so far?

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