Chapter Thirty-One

Magsimula sa umpisa

"Hey Mick?" I asked, turning my attention back to him, my tone wasn't as cold.

"Yeah Sue?" Mick looked back at me, waiting for me to ask what I was going to ask.

"How'd I get home yesterday?" I dug my fingers into the arms of the chair, almost on edge to know how.

"Well I can tell you now, it wasn't by any of us. We couldn't find you." Mick chuckled.

"Come on, seriously." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Angry did tell us though. It was surprise to us all, let alone to your old man." Mick half smiled, that was as he took a quit puff of his cigarette. "Nikki brought you home."

I frowned, trying to remember any of it. But I couldn't. It was as if I had been drinking the night away and passed out, not recalling what happened. "Nikki did?" I mumbled.

"Yeah. He brought you back in the beast. Apparently he even carried you inside and put you in bed, so Angry had said anyway." Mick's lips peaked into more of a smile.

I rested my back firmly against the chair, my mind ticking over. I remembered being cuddled up against him, how I felt in his arms. As much as I pretended to hate everything, as much as I hissed and cussed at him, I felt right at home. I loved being held in his embrace, having his strong warm arms wrapped around me, being able to listen to his heart beat. It sure put me at ease.

"He couldn't have. Angry doesn't let him pass the driveway." I shook my head, disagreeing.

"He did. Like I said, Nikki drove you home, carried you in and put you to bed. And wanna know what ices the cake?" Mick raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing at his lips.

"What?" I waited, eager to know.

"Your old man drove Nikki back to his car."

"Bullshit." I frowned, shaking my head.

"I'm not fucking lying, ask Vince and Tom. Better yet, ask your own god-damn father, he'll tell you what happened." Mick put his cigarette out, he was smiling now.

"I don't know what it is, but that bassist sure must of grew a brain. I'm kind of proud of him." Mick chuckled, looking further off into the distance.

I didn't reply, I sat there taking it all in. Nikki had brought me home? Left his own car out there and drove me home. There was a moment where I felt my insides heat up and my stomach fill of butterflies. Nikki actually did that? I couldn't believe it. Nikki wasn't like that, if anything he would have left me there or abandoned the car and taken me back to where he's staying. Not back here, not where he knew Angry was likely to take a swing at him.

"You look surprised." Mick commented.

I turned my attention back to Mick and nodded my head. I was, there wasn't a point in pretending I wasn't. I was kind of mind-blown, in awe. That he actually did that for me, he could of just left me there, but he didn't.

"I kind of am." I mumbled.

"Like I said Sue, he must be finally growing a brain. He's very persistent on getting what he wants now, you're his goal and he's got his mind set." Mick was smiling, he seemed very pleased about it.

"Yeah, well maybe for once he's genuine about it." I replied, my cheeks were red hot and my heart was thumping in my chest. Maybe Nikki was dead serious about everything he's saying, but it's just I'm not sure whether to put my trust back into him, he had already broken it that many times.

Up To My Neck In You (Sequel to Walk All Over You)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon