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I was feeling less awful after the talk with (Y/N). She was so comforting.

But what she wanted as repayment was very difficult. How can I love myself still having these insecurities?

"I will try to," I said smiling at her. "You should." And she smiled back.

But then I realized we were still holding hands. She also came across this fact.

She quickly released my hands, and we both were blushing right now.

It was a little sad as a comforting warmth left me. Anyways it was too inappropriate.

I quickly averted my gaze to the river, so did she, and tried to think of some topic to start a conversation.

"But how can I love myself?" This was the question I asked myself the most but never found an answer to.

She thought deeply while I stared at her side profile, which was extremely gorgeous especially under the sunlight.

"Loving yourself means to be happy with what you have. Don't compare your life with others for you don't know their issues.

Just believe what is happening was meant to be, and it is what's best for you, you just don't know that now."

"This is all I could think of now." She said laughing lightly.

God, she is wonderful.

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