We Walk Among Wings (Chapter 2)

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Chapter 2.

I couldn't bring my self to tears. Not infront of Scott. I had to be strong for every one. I twisted around and tried to get a good look and the new addition to my body. Two large black wings were neatly folded into my back. I tossed the white thred bare blanket off of me and gentaly climbed out of the hospital bed. I ripped all the weird cords and IV's off of me. Suddenly I felt better. Insainly good, would be a nother word. I saw my reflection in a window. I steached my wings out. "There kinda cool, ya know?" I said quietly looking and the huge black wings in my relection. I couldn't show him what I really felt, Kate will instantly burst into tears, Sky will scream, Jake will punch somehting, and Scott will take it all in and feel terrible about what has happened. I needed to be positive for him, for every one. Some how, I didn't hate these wings, I didn't want to ripp them off my back. I felt like I was now specail, different. "How could you say that Cam? You can never be normal again." I studied my reflection in the window. The wings on my back ruffled, they were indeed beautiful. My fair skin went well with them, and my curly honey blonde hair stood out againts them. I dropped them. My reflection changed. I was my self again. The tips of the wings were showing in the gap between my legs. I snapped them open again. I could hear the air woosh around from their power. I smiled and looked over my shoulder at Scott. "Normals borring."

I looked closer at the window I was using as a mirror. I was a widow to a large hallway, with big bright lights in the celings. I didn't feel the urge to escape, I wanted to walk around. I wanted to find someone to explain everything to me. I opened the door and walked out. "Cam?" I heard Scott question before the door shut. I turned the hall. "Miss?" A man in a doctors coat came up to me. I walked past him, he wasn't the man I need to see, he didn't creat these wings. I walked up to a door "MISS YOU CAN'T GO IN THERE!" The man in the coat called behing me. I was furious, how dare he tell me were I can and can not go. I snapped up my wings and wheeled around to face him. He was taken aback. I starred at him in the eye. He looked around 30 years old. Newby, was the first thought that came into my mind. "I need to find a man." I said sternly. He nodded his head as if in a trance. He turned around and walked away. I dropped my wings and turned back to the door. It was locked, I shoved the door open. It flew open. It was a man's office. No one was home. I twirled around looking at the many books and stacks of paper. One of the books was open. I walked over to it. It was a diagram if a bird in full detail. I flipped the page, there was a slightly larger bird diagram. I turned to the next page. It was another detailed diagram. I felt a sudden urge of deshavo. I turned the next page. It was an article on mutation.

"Genetic Mutation; How it could save the lives of million's lost."

Was the title. I read on.

"Humans are a rare form of beeing. They are fragile, soft, and indeed breakable. Often they are narrow minded and seem to think nothing will ever hurt them. Of course everything can hurt them."

Were is this going? I need to find someone to help me. I continued reading. Blah blah blah oh heres something.

"If vital organs are damaged and bone structour fails and crumbles, mutating the pacient is the only way in saveing their lives. Often times the drug gives side effects wich lead to some uncommon apperances. If given the hawk steriod the bones will reform, but will become hallow. The heart will began to beat again, but at an accelerated pace. The eyes will see, but more sharply. The ears will hear, but will hear things father away. The body will move swiftly and soundly, but will aquier a set of wings."

So thats what it is. A hawk steriod. I looked at my wings. Hawk. I thought again. Just nifty. They ruffled as I cracked my back. "What are you doing in here?!" questioned a old man in his mid 60s. I wheeled around and fluttered my wings a bit to steady myself. This was the man I needed to see. "Oh" he said as he saw my wings. "I guess you can fallow me Cameron." He said, more civilized. "No." I said sternly. "You will fallow me." and I walked out the door. I had a perfact memory of were the others were. I heard his foot steps sounding from behind me as I turned the corner. I pushed open the door. Every one was awake. As I predicted Kate was crying, Sky was cussing and also crying and there was a large dent in the wall next to Jake's bed. "Oh Cam!" Kate sobbed as she looked at me. Scott looked miserable. The doctor came in. "W-whos that." Kate said shakily. "Dr. Flem." He repied sweetly to a teary eyed Kate. I snapped my wings out. They all were quite. Then I had some sort of memory burst. I pictured my self walking down the halls with an angery glint in my eyes. I kicked the door open. I looked scary. I felt the anger that I had felt at that moment when the young doctor spoke to me. "What did you do to us?" I asked the doctor. Never before in my life have I ever acted that way. "We saved your lives." Was all he said. I walked back and shut the door behind him. He froze. "Explain." I said sternly. He looked at me with fear stricken eyes. I looked at the other's faces. They were bewildered at my addituted. I was schocked. What has gotten into me? "Please?" I said more softly in my normal sweet Cammeron tone.

He relaxed and took a seat in a small chair that was next to the wall. "When the elevator chrashed you were all very very close to death. Blood was ever were. Your sculls had all been split open and your bones were chrushed. All of your hearts were faintly beating."He paused and looked at me. "Except for yours." My feathers ruffled as I shivered at his look. "Cameron's heart had completly stopped, she was the first to recive the drug." He said faceing Kate, Jake, Scott, and Sky. "We didn't have any time to prepare your body for the injection, we only had a cerrain amount of time before your body acctually died." I shivered again. My wings losely fluttered. "What does that mean?" Sky asked. "Why did our bodies need to be prepared for the drug?" We were all fixated on the man in the white coat. Dr. Flem paused again. Searching for the right words. "There were several shots before the acctual steriod. These prevented most of the side effects besides the-" I cut him off "Hallow bones, accelerated heart rate, eye sight, hearing, and of course" I paused. "The wings." He looked at me schocked. "Uh um yes." It was silent until Scott spoke up. "So Cameron is going to have extra side effects?" He looked at me, I could see the pity in his eyes. I shugged, I had to be strong. "Yes, Cameron will have a harder time adjusting to her new body because all of the changes she will be going through. She will weigh less then all of you and will need to eat 12,000 calories a day. That is double what you need to eat. She will also burn more caloeries at an acclerated pace. She will always be hungry." This brought a slight smile to Sky's face. "So basically She'll be as she normaly is? Always eating?" They laughed. Its true I love food. Dr. Flem gave a small smile. "Yes. But Cameron is going to need that to survive, she will need everthing she can get. I have already sent for some food to be brought to all of you, speaking of the matter. I know you must be fammished." And I was thinking, you have no idea.

"But we are getting off topic." he said. "Yes back to were I started. You all were on the verge of death. We injected you with shots of aderline, steriods, and prepitoral drugs to prepare your body for the 'Hawk Steriod' wich would regrow your bones slowly and start your heart rate up again. It also improved your hearing and eye sight. It has been restoring your bodies for a week and a half now." Wait! What?! A week and a half?! The Washinton trip was over! No one had come to get us?! "A-a week and a h-half?" Jake stuttered. "Well of course! What do you think? The drug just magically transforms you over night?!" Dr. Flem joked. "We we on our class trip to Washinton DC." I explained. Quite pleased with my slef that I had my emotioms under control. "Oh." He said as if it didn't mean anything. Kate's wings ruffled. They were freakled white like a barn owl. They were cute just like her. I looked over at Sky and caught a glimps of her's that were tightly tucked into her back. They were a muddy color with a hint of red. Jake's wings were hidden behind him. Dr. Flem spoke up again. "I'm sorry kids but we tend to get off topic a lot, this is important stuff you need to know, hold your questions till the end." Jeeze he sounded like a teacher. "When we found you your bodies were broken, barley alive. While unconshious you underwent an experimental procidure that we hoped would save your lives. It did as you can see. The drug replaced your skin and bones that had been terminated but it did not cover up a few minor scars. Cameron could you loft up your wings please?" He said to me, i snapped up my big black wings. "Now turn around please." again i fallowed his instructions and gracefully faced the door. He pulled a bit of my hospita gown a side. Sky gasped. "Hold your questions til the end please." He said in a teacherly manner. I saw my relection in the window of my back in the mirror. A ugly pink scar ran down my spine and there was a big thick scar under my left wing. "This was were your bodies were greatly damadge. You all have matching scars. A few moments passed. "Whats g-going to happen to us?" Scott said asking the million doller question while trying to stay calm.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2010 ⏰

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