Chapter 14

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"So I could just be hallucinating or something... but is that a giant-" I am knocked down by Charlette bumping into me as she runs past. I pick myself up "Yea, no that's fine, I didn't need my vital organs."

"They probably weren't-"

"I was exaggerating... shouldn't you be hiding somewhere or something?" Zero clicks his tongue as he gets away from me and I walk towards the group. Upon getting close I notice several cuts on Bridgette. A look upwards reveals Victor, his back to us, riding on the mantis.

"Oh! I just thought of another question." He turns and falls off the mantis quite a distance before hitting the floor, blood spilling out of a gash in his chest.

"You guys look bad."

"You look worse." Bridgette hands me the vine being used as a collar "This is from him."

"Heyyyyyyy, the world is spinning again." He begins walking and only manages to make increasingly large spirals. I place my hand on to Charlettes head to stop her from jumping up and down, an action she had been doing the entire time, after I let go of her she quickly begins mimicking Victor.

"I have no idea how much blood he has lost so try not to be hard on him." the bundle of vines starts shaking and she drops it before someone rips out from the inside.

"I am a beautiful butterfly!" Whoever this is turns to find us all staring at them. "I seem extremely outnumbered here." She lies back down in the bundle and ties herself up. "Let's all pretend this didn't happen alright?"

"Okay so before anything else happens let's find somewhere where we can all rest, alright?" I take the vine and lead everyone in some direction. A quick look back reveals both Charlette and Bridgette helping Victor walk straight, Zero is further back.

We have been walking for almost an entire day having to stop to rest the night, though not very well. The first sign that we have indeed made any progress is the fact that in the distance a pure white can be seen. Another night and another day is spent wandering around, our conditions getting worse and Victor is no longer capable of actually holding himself up. He's definitely not dead but he's sputtering absolute nonsense.

The trees clear out just ahead and we walk out of the forest to find a land covered entirely in snow... snow? I look upwards and see no clouds so how is it possible that there is snow here? I try to walk through only to find my hand quickly begin freezing over causing me to pull back.

"We can't get through here, has anyone seen a sign, a building... anything?" At this moment I feel something infiltrate my mind

"Magic's back fuckers!" I hear him laugh then whisper, "There was a sign pointing towards a small town." Control of my body is ripped from me in a second as I swivel. "That way." I sigh and once more begin walking, behind me I hear groans and mumbling but we all continue anyways.

"Adventure!" Charlette cries out and runs up until she's at my side "Hey, so, moral is at an all time low and we were wondering how much longer until we can all rest."

"I'm not sure, but apparently there is a town close by. We can stop there, gather our ideas, and take things one step at a time. It should just be a couple of hours away."

"Woo hoo!" She runs ahead and doesn't come back.

"No come back... I did everything I could to stop her." I joke.

We had found a road about an hour later and another three or four is all it takes before I stop in front of a couple of buildings. A sign welcomes us to the town of Atriex. Bridgette stops at my side with Victor being carried under her arm.

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