Chapter 48: Lust

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Nikki's POV

I was frozen. I felt cold. I didn't know what to do or what to say. Apart of me me wanted to just yell at her from the top of my lungs, asking her why she would do something like this to us. We had promised each other that we would never go down that road when we made and her we are with thousands of fans around the world and she's over here getting high off coke. How could she do this to us? My mind was going to that day when the five us was walking through the flooded streets of Harlem when we are just teenagers. Leena, Jojo, and I all were about fourteen at the time, or thirteen turning fourteen. De was seventeen, and Liyah was only twelve. We were talking about the day we would make it big and talking about all the amazing things we would do. I remember all of us laughing and smiling (all except Liyah, that is) while we talked about some if the craziest things that we were going to do: Buy our own island, buy three cars all at the same time, have a closet as big as our room s filled with clothes and shoes. You name it..I remember watching my bare feet splash around in the muggy water as we walked. That's when De stopped in her track. " Alright guys, we need to do something."

We all stopped and stared at her confusingly. " What do you mean?" Leena asked her.

"We need to make a promise." She said as she flipped her hair off her shoulders. " We have to promise each other that we will never, ever, on any circumstances, sale our souls to the devil, throw our live away to drugs or alcohol, or become a bunch of stuck up bitches when we make it big."

"Why would we do either of those?" I asked. Selling my soul to the devil is what scared me the most.

"Life sometimes take us in different directions, Nikki. That's we have to promise each other now..No matter what we will always have each others backs. We have to trust each other." She looked at Liyah who was staring at us through her sunglass..It wasn't even sunny out that day, I never understood why she wore those glasses over eyes. She would say it's because she's shy and hates making eye contact with people, but I felt there was much more to that.."And Aj, you can just...half way trust us."

The corner of her lip slowly curl up, it fell instantly. She never spoke that much at that time either..She would speak to De but that was about it.

"So we promise?" She asked.

"I promise," Jojo said.

"Promise." Leena said.

"I promise," I said.

"I promise," De said.

"Promise." Liyah said.

She turned back towards the flooded streets and began walking again with a promise in our hearts that was not meant to be broken.

De was staring at me, waiting for me to say something. I just shook my head and took two small steps back." How long have you been doing this?"

She shrugged her shoulders." I don't know, maybe a month or two. I don't remember."

" De...Why..?"


I snorted at her name. I couldn't stand him. "Wayne. It's always Wayne? De you need to get away from him."

"No," She walked around me."I don't hear this."

"De, you need to listen." I said softly. As I walked up to her. I placed my hand up on her shoulder. "De you need to get away from him."

"Y-you're just jealous that I got that fine man and loves me and you're still single."She accused me.

"De that man does not love you, that is lust!"

Her eyes were mixed with anger and pain. "Y-you don't know you're talking about.." her words were slightly slurring and running into each other.

"De, that man beats you! He cheats on you, and now he's got you snorting!" Her hand went smack into my face. Leaving a burning sensation behind. I looked back at her shocked.

"Shut up, he loves me. Why you gotta be so jealous?!"

I was hurt that she had slapped me. I was hurt both physically and emotionally. I was hurt so much that it caused me to raise my voice. "That is not love. If that man loves you he would not treat you like piece of crap!" I felt tears forming in my eyes. I tried to fight it back but they just came out. They were so much stringer than I. " Do you need an example of how a man is supposed to treat a woman? Look at the way Michael treats Liy--"

She charged her finger in my face."Don't you dare say that bitch's name in front of me...I don't want to hear this."

I gasped. I couldn't believe w what I was hearing. I couldn't believe she actually said that. About Liyah? Maybe she was saying that because she was under the influence of a drug. That had to be it, because the De I knew loved Liyah as if she was her sister. Why would she calk her a bitch, and one top of that have so much disgust behind it? Why? What was with her?"

"I don't wanna hear her fucking name." She said as she rubbed her nose and leaned against the black tiled wall.

"De...w-why would you say something like that?"

"Like what?"

"Calling Liyah a bitch? Why would you say that?" I didn't know why I was asking these questions. They were just falling out of my mouth against my while.

She shook her head as she slowly slide down to the floor, causing the floor to squeak beneath her boots. "What did Li do to you?"

She shook her head. "It doesn't matter."

I glanced towards the sinks with a sigh. "Yes it does. Are you jealous of her or something? I mean, it doesn't make any sense."

"I am not jealous!" She said harshly.

"Then why--"

The doors of the bathroom swung open causing us to both jump. Jojo stared at the both if us, pissed. "We have been looking all over for you. We have a video to film and we ain't got all day. "

"We'll be there in a minute." I said.

"No, we need there right now." she said sternly.

"Okay!" I hated it when she got all bossy with us. I couldn't stand it. It made me feel like I was being bossed around by my mother, which was what I hated more than anything.

I turned to De who seemed to be out of it. "De?"


"I won't tell anyone if you promise you will stop before this turns into an addiction."

He brown eyes met mine. She took her purse off the sink and headed towards the door. "Some promises aren't meant to be born Nikki."

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