5SOS Fam

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I am very familiar with the 5SOS Fam, being apart of it for 2 years now.. I tragically showed up during a time of content drought, I still stayed with this fandom.
Everyone is nice and accepting, open and each to their own personality. You would definitely find someone apart of this fandom that you would just click with.
We get a lot of top quality memes, fan account personalities we stan and we just fangirl over everything the boys do.
Everyone has a cheat lane, no one just stays in their lane. Luke, Calum, Michael and Ashton are each their own person and everyone has a favorite. Your favorite could even be a ship, I know mine was 2 years ago (cake, now malum)
As you sink into this sea of the 5SOS Fam, I suggest to let yourself sink and not suffer trying to stay afloat. I tried and here I am today.
welcome aboard

[At the end of each part, I'm just gonna put questions about the topic.]

   Are you apart of this fandom?

   How long have you been apart of this fandom?

   Who's lane are you in? Your cheat lane?

   How did you discover 5SOS?

Any requested topics? leave them here

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