"I don't know who you think you are, but you need help and I'm whiling to be there for you... just if you let me".
They don't like each other but they'll have to be together since one of their friends wants them to get along, so just for that he's g...
Your friendship with Inseong and his group has been improving a lot, at this point you know every single one of his friends and you actually like most of them, and you can say that all of them are better guys that you thought at the beginning. However, for you Zuho is the exception because he hasn't been friendly nor kind to you and to be honest you don't really care, but Inseong does since he wants you to feel better at college.
Nowadays nobody is really mean to you anymore and you started to be less cold around people, but you know that some of them really hate you since you honestly recognize that you were a bitch with some of the students here.
-Y/N, the class is over – Taeyang said as he looked back at you.
-Don't lie to me... I can still hear even if I'm daydreaming – You said while looking at him.
-Told you – Inseong said while chuckling.
-Pff~ whatever, but the class is almost done though – Taeyang said while looking at the clock.
-Nice, I can feel the liberty – Inseong said with a wide smile.
-I want to sleep – You said with a settle smile.
-That's your plan for today? – Taeyang asked curious.
-I guess so – You said thoughtful. –And homework – You added.
-Probably same here – Inseong said while looking at the professor, just to check if he is looking at the three of you talking.
-You two are so boring - Taeyang said while rolling his eyes.
-So what are you going to do then? – You asked curious.
-Hwiyoung and I are going to the mall together, and then we'll go to see a movie together – Taeyang said excited.
-*Chuckle* marry each other already – Inseong said with a smirk.
-What!? – Taeyang said while blushing out.
-*Giggle* come on, you like him – You said while looking at him with a smile, then Inseong and you focused on Taeyang just waiting for him to declare his love for Hwiyoung.
-Okay... but I'm not gay. I like girls too – Taeyang said shyly while covering up his red cheeks.
-I knew it! – You said happily while hand fiving Inseong.
-It was that obvious? – Taeyang asked embarrassed.
-Yes, but in both of you to be honest – Inseong said before the bell rang. Immediately all the students started to pack up their stuffs and the professor banished from the place. Of course, he didn't liked to teach but he stills here giving classes to college students.