"I don't know who you think you are, but you need help and I'm whiling to be there for you... just if you let me".
They don't like each other but they'll have to be together since one of their friends wants them to get along, so just for that he's g...
Boring classes all over the place, you are tired of going back and ford to the places around the college since everyone is giving you the look. "They still thinking about yesterday's fight?" – You thought confused while walking through the hallway, noticing that everyone was looking at you intrigued. While walking a few steps more you finally made it to the classroom, where you'll have the second class before you can go home.
Before taking a seat you looked around the room noticing that someone was waving his hand at you, surprisingly it wasn't Inseong and instead it was one of his friends. You looked at the guy confused and then you just walked towards him, you sat on the desk from his left side since there was someone else sitting on his right side. As soon as you looked at him smiling happily, you were totally confused and you just tried to figure out what was going on.
-Are you okay? – You asked confused while looking at his wide smile.
-Yes, why I wouldn't be? – The guy said while looking at you.
-Because you are talking to me, nobody does that – You said pretty amazed.
-Well, yeah but... hmm, yesterday I saw how much Inseong cared about you so I want to know why – The guy said with total honesty.
-I see, well then... hmm. My name is Y/N if you didn't know – You said a bit shyly.
-Nice to meet you! I'm Jaeyoon – Jaeyoon said as he smiled at you kindly, then right after that Inseong sat next to him and he smiled pleasantly at both of you.
-I see that both of you introduced to each other already, I'm glad – Inseong said while smiling happily.
-Hmm, yes – You said with a shy smile.
-Aw~ you are so freaking adorable when you're shy – Inseong said with excitement.
-Yah! I'm not – You said while blushing out.
-*Chuckle* you don't have to be embarrassed, just like Inseong, you can trust me – Jaeyoon said as he tried to comfort you with his sweet words.
-*Sigh* okay – You said with a shy smile.
The class was boring and long, nothing you wanted before you went inside the classroom but it didn't went too bad after all. Inseong and Jaeyoon were goofing around and making you laugh during the whole class, and of course you studied as well since you don't want to lose the grade you have until now, which isn't bad at all.
Right now you three are picking up your stuffs and you are feeling happier since those two really made your day, by looking at them you can feel a strong connection in between them... like if they weren't faking at all.