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Assassin number: 250201

Languages: Spanish, Portuguese, English, Dutch.

Primary Weapons: Guns, Throwing knives and drugs.

Function in the team: Spy all around the world, Former doctor, Master mind.

Strengths: Manipulation, Intellectual, Always knows a better way, Clean and can make anyone disappear without a trace.

Weaknesses: Demanding, Perfectionist, straight forward, Easily frustrated which can lead to Spanish cursing and a fight.


Oligarch: A love/hate relationship, Oligarch is too reckless and stubborn for him, The only reason he doesn't kill Oligarch is because he's important, Despite their continuous fights they still work together very well.

Golden Pig: Two powerful and intelligent men, They both love money, women and perfection, Piggy works for him often because he knows how to do his job correctly, A lot of bickering but thats okay.

Unknown: His trustworthy driver, They're on good terms, nothing special really.

Azra: More intellegent, Powerful men together, both manipulative, They have a lot of respect for each other and fool around together, They're very good friends due to their similarities, They create plans together.

Cerberus: He had a slight distaste for Cerberus due to his messy nature, He would never hire or ask Cerberus to do anything for him, He does have respect for his abilities.

Rose: Childhood friends, Powerful duo, Might've fooled around in the past, Real head turners and incredibly high maintenance.

Leo: Very dangerous, Both perfectionists, They shoot together, They're good friends but aren't together very often.

Moonlight: She's too serious for Angel, They work together but its not something that happens often.

Jade: They're on good terms, no hate or love, could make people disappear within seconds.

Diva: He loves her appearance, People confuse them for a couple when they're together, Despite their friendship she's a little reckless for Angel's taste.

-Angel's signature things-

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