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Assassin number: 270803

Languages: English, French, Korean, Norwegian.

Primary Weapons: Her computer, Poison.

Position in the team: Hacker, Information banker.

Strengths: Concentration, Hacking, Obtaining information, Time consuming tasks, Poison, Intelligence.

Weaknesses: Fighting, Endurance, Doing anything outside of what she's good at.


Rose: They're on good terms, Would maybe hang out.

Leo: Jade has tried to explain the system countless times to her but she just doesn't get it, They're alright friends, She often provides Leo with information when she's sent out.

Moonlight: They work together often, They're the two that work from a distance and make sure the team is provided with the assistance they need.

Diva: They barely see each other, Jade only sends requested information.

Angel: Her skills with hacking and his skills with cleaning could come together for the perfect disappearance.

Oligarch: She still hasn't found a way to find much information about Oligarch which frustrates her.

Golden Pig: She knows how loyal Piggy is and appreciates that she doesn't have to worry about him.

Unknown: They work together a lot as Unknown stalks and observes for her

Azra: She often meets up with him because of business related information, She's happy to work for him.

Cerberus: She's read everything that's available about him which is why she understands a lot of the things he does, She knows being with the team is the best for Cerberus.

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