Chapter 1: Running and Roads

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Peter Parker's mornings started the same way each day. One of the younger children he lived with would wake up after yet another nightmare and Peter would calm them down. He'd convince them to be quiet to avoid the matron waking up and gently reassure them that everything would be okay.

This morning, it was Betty who'd suffered from a nightmare. Peter rarely slept anymore and so as soon as Betty began panicking, he hurried to her side and gathered her in his arms.

"Hey, it's okay, you're safe, I'm right here," Peter whispered soothingly as he pulled her closer. "Everything's going to be okay, I promise."

Hiccuping, Betty rested her small head on Peter's shoulder, "they hurt you again yesterday didn't they? You were gone for ages."

"You don't need to worry about me, Betty. I'm fine," Peter said quietly, brushing over her concern for him. The younger children regularly woke up if Peter had been away for a while, they worried he wouldn't return. Peter was never quite sure if he would either.

Betty pulled away from him and curled up under her thin duvet, "you said that they'd stopped hurting you.

Peter let out a quiet sigh, "they just wanted to do a few more tests that's all. Now come on, back to sleep, you've got school tomorrow."

"Okay," Betty mumbled, "night, Peter."

"Goodnight, Betty," Peter murmured before he climbed back into his shared bed. The orphanage he lived in was severely lacking in funds, many of the children having to share meals and baths.

After laying awake for what seemed like hours, Peter's alarm vibrated underneath his pillow and he hurried to turn it off.

Clambering out of bed, he pulled on his joggers and an old T-shirt. Peter cautiously made his way towards the only window in the room, managing to avoid the creaky floorboards.

Peter slowly eased the window opened, and jumped out, landing on the fire escape.

He quickly climbed down the stairs before racing off down the streets, ducking into back alleys.

Running was Peter's escape. When he ran, he didn't have to focus on anything other than which direction he was going in. He could briefly forget everything and just be a teenager for once. He ran for quite possibly miles, barely even pausing to rest or take a break.

Peter turned out of an alley and ran onto the road, stumbling and falling to the road when a blaring horn and the sound of tires screeching greeted his ears.

He groaned softly and lifted his head as a car door slammed, feet running towards him. "Kid? Kid are you alright? Are you hurt?"

Peter looked towards the source of the voice and his eyes widened, Tony Stark was kneeling on the ground in front of him.

Suddenly losing the ability to speak, Peter stared at him before coming to his senses and scrambling to his feet.

"Hey, calm down, son. Are you okay?" A second voice asked. Peter turned around and figuratively froze. Captain America had appeared next to Iron Man.

Peter risked another glance at Tony Stark before he stood, sprinting back across the road and ducking into an alleyway. As soon as he was hidden from sight, he slid down the wall until he was sat next to a dumpster.

He checked his old, battered watch as he tried to process what had just happened.

After a couple of minutes, he decided that he'd better get back before the matron realised he had left.

With a sigh, he turned towards the orphanage and sprinted back until he reached the fire escape. Peter quickly climbed up it, barely managing to get back into his bed before the door slammed open.

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