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Jack wished the one week vacation made the rumors die down, but they didn't. People still whispered when they saw him, he was still touched by anyone who thought he would be in their bed that night, and no one even desired to talk to him. All these insecurities kept piling up. His height, his weight, how he looked, it was something he used to never care about. Until Jonah.

He wasn't tall, he was only 5'0". Jack was sure everyone saw that he had added fifteen pounds over the course of a month. He was certain that everyone saw the bags under his eyes and how his eyes were slightly bloodshot for crying earlier that morning. Jonah changed him, he made him care even though Jonah told him he was perfect, but was he really? Jonah's popularity also rubbed off on Jack as Jonah's boyfriend, everyone suddenly has high expectations for him. They all acted like Jack was the next highschool sweetheart without even trying to know Jack.

So instead of doing that, they bullied him. At first it was his childhood enemies who were in athletics then it spread to the school. Girls, boys, everyone. The entire school hated him, he was depicted as a slutty, snobby, rich kid who grew up with a silver platter. But that wasn't Jack.

Jack was shy, obsessed with mythology and loved all things pastel. The Jack they thought he was was from a different galaxy altogether. Even after all those reasons he still felt like everyone hated him because he was Jonah's ex. But they didn't end because Jack cheated or because he slept with someone no. Jonah just said he didn't want to lead Jack on that he asked him out on a dare, but it still hurt. Jack didn't yell at Jonah like everyone else, instead he said it was okay even though his heart was breaking.

All of this could've been prevented if Jack just hadn't said yes. If Jack hadn't invited Jonah over here wouldn't feel dirty right now. Objectified. So instead of wallowing in his sadness, Jack chalked up the courage to set foot inside the English classroom.

As Jack stepped into his first period, he noticed how everyone's eyes went to him. He pursed his lips and sat down. The person next to him stared at him through the corner of her eye but she didn't say anything. Not a 'hi,' or even 'why were you gone.' Days like these are what makes Jack feel worthless, unneeded, a waste of space.

As Jack did his make up work, he felt her eyes burn into his skin. Jack just wanted to cry, he thought he'd be better but the pressure is even more intense. All the stares, the whispers, no one talking to him. It drove him insane. "Hey, Jack, is it? I'm Holiday,"

Jack looked up from his paper and stared in awe at the blonde. "Yeah, it's Jack," Jack's answer came out shakier than he intended, but he was just happy that someone had the courage to ask him his name even though she already knew it.

"Well, hum, uh," Holiday stuttered, blushing ad the situation be came awkward. "Maybe we should work on the project together?" She asked, laughing at her previous sentence.

"Sure, my house or yours?"

Jack had made his very first friend since the rumors started.


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