Twenty Five: "Cross Country? What The Hell Is That?!"

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Remus' POV

I look up to see Y/N looking around the corner and start to hurry over to the bed where I was lying.

"Remus, what happened to you?" she asks breathlessly "What did this?"

"uhhh..." I mumble wincing in pain "came across a werewolf? in the... uhh... dark forest?"

"wait, you didn't get bitten, did you?" she questions

"umm... I only got a few scratches that's all" I lie trying to hide the areas of my arms where I had bitten myself.

"Thank Merlin, otherwise you would -you would" She starts

"I would have been turned into a Werewolf, yeah I know all about that" I finish with an annoyed tone.

"Hey Y/N, you should go Remus needs his rest so he can heal" James tells Y/N pulling her to one side.

"Fine then, I'll see you lot in class" she says whipping around and storming out of the Infirmary.

"Phew that was a close one" James sighs

"y-you could s-sa-say th-that again-gain" Wormtail Stutters

"Lucky for you Moony, being a Werewolf make you heal faster" Sirius Chuckles.

"Yeah, lucky me, I get to turn into a monster every full moon, whoever I tell has left me other than you guys, every month is extremely painful, these DAM SCARS WILL NEVER FADE AND IT'S A NIGHTMARE TRYING TO RECOVER BECAUSE OF THE PAIN!" I practically yell lying back down pulling the covers over my head.

I feel a hand gently touch my shoulder, which I shrug off immediately.

"If you need us just send someone to fetch us, see you around Moony" James says in a hushed tone walking out of the room following the others.

I roll over gazing out the large open window, my heavy eyes close once again and I fall into a deep sleep to try and speed up the healing.




By the time I woke up, the sun was rising once more to welcome the coming of a brand new day. Most of my gashes had healed and some of the deep scratches and bites needed just a bit more time to heal fully.

"Good morning Mr Lupin, You will need to get just a couple more stitches today and then you will be able to leave by this afternoon," Madam Pomfrey tells me as I sit up in my bed.

"Okay, thank you" I reply with a soft smile, she exits the room to gather her supplies to stitch up the deeper wounds, now just time to down gross tasting potions that supposedly will help me.

she enters the room again and hands me the foul potion, a small dose of the drowsiness draught, to help 'numb' me which she had to apply the Dittany to fully close up my wounds.

As I get more and dizzier and 'numb' she carefully starts to drip the Absence of Dittany onto my arms and some areas of my calves.

To me, the Drowsiness draught makes no difference to the pain of the Dittany. However Madam Pomfrey says that it makes a difference, and because of her position at Hogwarts, I trust her enough to go through with it. Whatever the Dittany couldn't heal she pulled out the muggle needle and thread so she could stitch up the other gashes so my body can heal itself with just a bit of assistance.


A bit later after going through the excruciating pain, I was all set to get going and head back to going to classes.

"Here you go Mr Lupin" Madam Pomfrey says handing me a strength potion and a Vitamix Potion (which will give me strength for the following days)

"Thank you Madam Pomfrey, I will be back in a couple days for the check-up session" I say as I wave goodbye and exist the Infirmary.

I head up to the Gryffindor common room to get ready for my classes, after the night I just had I forgot most of the lessons I'm meant to have today, so I grab my timetable (time table, photo at top) and head down to the great hall to meet up to everyone.

"Hey!" I shout as someone who was running around the corner collides with me.

"I'm sorry..." A familiar voice says "Remus? Remus!" They call as I pull myself up off the floor.

"Y/N?" I say surprised offering her my hand to help her up. She gladly takes my hand and I pulls her up. Instead of just getting up she encased me in a big hug

"I'm so glad you're alright Moony, you got me worried sick" she says into my ear before she pulls away "come on let's get you some food"

We walk into the great hall side by side the smell of Maple syrup, pancakes and bacon flood my senses, an overwhelming feeling of hunger washes over me.

"come on there all over here" Y/N says grabbing me by the hand while she pulls me in the direction of where everyone was sitting.

"Here he is! Moony, Mate how are you doing" Sirius yells standing up on the table he was sitting at, making everyone's heads turn in our direction.

"Hey guys, I'm doing fine, you?" I say taking a seat at a bench opposite Peter and Sirius.

"Yeah, we are all fine, just eat up you're going to need your energy today" James says, whispering the last part so only I could hear it.

I pick up my empty golden goblet and 'drop' it on the floor. Instead of just picking it up again, I pour in the Vitamix potion into the goblet and get back up again. Topping up the goblet with apple juice trying to disguise the fluorescent blue potion.

everyone's head whips around as Professor McGonagall hits her spoon gently against her glass, the golden owl podium's wings spread as Headmaster Dumbledore steps up to the front of the school.

"Good morning everybody, we're all very glad each and every one of you could join us for another day at Hogwarts," The headmasters voice boomed "Today we are going to introduce a new lesson in Muggle Studies, a little thing called 'Cross Country' Everything will be explained to you in your scheduled Muggle Studies Class. Head to class once the Bell goes"

we all turn back to each other with a completely confused look on all our faces.

"Cross country? What the hell is that?!" Sirius Questions

"Well, I guess we will find out soon," I glance down at my timetable "Our first class is Muggle Studies anyway"

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