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'Levi says Eren is and idiot, but he also says he's his idiot titan boyfriend.'

"Eren!?" Levi said getting out of the car.

All Levi could see was Eren, high up on the flag pole. And below he saw people laughing an throwing stuff at him. Eren was covering his face yelling at them to stop and other cuss words.

Levi ran over to the group and yelled at them.

"Get him down this instant! Or else!" Levi said. Jean then comes over and laughs.

"Your finally here to save your boyfriend? Ha! Good luck!" He snickers. Levi is so angry he can't control his actions and he punches Jean hard in the face, making him fall to the ground.

"Levi!!!!" Eren screams down. Levi then stares at the others waiting if they'll let him through, but one doesn't. One of them runs up and tries to kick him, but Levi grabbed the mans leg and threw him to the ground.

"GET HIM DOWN NOW!" Levi said to the person who was holding the rope tied to Eren's thin body. The man flinched and was so scared of Levi he quickly got Eren down.

"T-thanks." Eren said getting untied. After getting the ropes off of him Levi took him to his car. Once they were in the car and driving back to Eren's house, that's when Levi started to question.

"How did that all happen Jeager?" Levi said looking over at Eren. Eren looked at Levi and then back at the road.

"W-well.. I was walking out of the school doors and Jean stopped me and all of a sudden there was a group of people calling me gay. And then I ended up on the flag pole." Eren said pulling into Levi's driveway. Levi gets out and thanks him.

"Well if that ever happens again, you would tell me.. right Jeager?" Levi said, his back facing Eren. Eren's eyes got big.

"U-mm. Yes H-Heichou!" he said. Levi turned his head toward him and smiled. He then waved goodbye and he drove off. Levi walked up to the front door and tried opening it, but it was locked. He sighed and went to a window. He jumped and barley made it. He pushed it open and climbed in. Once he got in he almost exploded. Everything and everywhere was filthy and some of the stuff damaged. There was some glass on the floor and something that was pink on the wall.

His eyes and hands started to twitch uncontrollably and he ran for his cleaning supplies.

While he cleaned he muttered stuff.

"This is going to be the last party I'm ever having!"

Eren got out of his car and went to unlock the door, but somebody already opened it making Eren jump.

"You and that chibi stayed over here last night!!?" Mikasa yelled. Eren was really terrified.

"Y-ya he- I mean.. All of y-you ki-kicked him out o-of his own damn h-house!!!!! S-so I was n-nice and gave h-him a place to st-stay for the night!!" Eren said yelling back at his sister. Eren pushed Mikasa out of the way and went inside.

Mikasa crossed her arms glaring at Eren, and so he did the same. What ever she did he copied.

"Stop that!" She yelled. Eren mimicked her. She then went up slapped him.

"What the hell!" He said.

**********later that day*******

Eren went to Armin's house to play some games cause there was nothing else to do over at his. While Eren was at Armin's, Levi started to walk over to his house.

He knocked on Eren's door and found out someone else opened the door.

"Uhh. What do you want? If your looking for Eren he's not here." Mikasa said putting her hands on her hips.

"Oh. Ok sorry. Do you know where I can find him?" Levi asked. Mikasa snickered.

"He went to the store to buy me some stuff for our 4th year anniversary." Mikasa lied.

"You two are dating? Cool cool.. well I'm gonna go now. Bye." Levi said walking off.

'How can they be dating if their siblings? Or maybe it was just a bug fat lie.. Eren did say he loved me. Was he lying?'

Levi was so confused. Once he was home he sat on his porch. He watched as some cars past by.

*****that night****

Eren said bye to Armin and walked home. But then he thought he would stop by Levi's house. He started to run to his house and he smiled. Before he crossed the road he found some really pretty flowers and he picked them. He then went over and knocked on Levi's door. It took awhile, but the porch light came on He could hear him coming.

"Eren?!" He heard someone behind him. His eyes widened and turned around.

"M-Mikasa!!?" He said. And that's when the doors opened. Great. Levi stood there staring at them.

"I u-umm Levi I-"

"Oops wrong house! Sorry we will be going now!" Mikasa said dragging Eren.

"Oh! Are those for me? Their so pretty! Aw thank you Eren!!" Mikasa smiled taking the flowers. Before Levi closed his door, Mikasa made sure he was looking. Mikasa then kissed Eren right in the lips.

Levi was shocked. He slammed the door closed and Mikasa then pulled away. She could tell Eren was steaming mad.

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT ABOUT???!!!!?!!" Eren yelled slapping his sister. Mikasa smirked and ran off. Eren looked back at Levi's house, but once he did he saw a window move, as if somebody was watching them. Eren didn't know what to do. He hung his head and walked to his house.

Levi sat on his bed, covering his face with his hands.

"God... I should just die. Right here.. right now...." Levi said pulling out a knife. He held it up shaking. He then aimed it at his heart.

"I'm sorry, Eren." Levi whispered. He dropped the knife and hugged his knee's. He took out his pocket knife and made a mark on his wrist.

"LEVI?!?" Levi made another mark.

"STOP!!" He heard it again and tried to make another.

"CANT YOU HEAR ME?! LEVI PLEASE STOP!" Eren ran up to Levi and threw the knife away. He stood Levi up and bent down, grabbed his head and kissed him.

"I'm really sorry. It's all Mikasa's fault!" Eren said kissing him. Levi kissed him back and they sat back on his bed. Levi broke the kiss and both of then leaned their heads on each other.

"H-how did you get inside?" Levi said with hurt in his eyes.

"I saw you, about to kill your self!! and cutting! And I climb through your window. Thank god your still alive!!" Eren said pulling Levi into a hug. Eren started crying, clinging to Levi.

"I-I'm s-s-sorry! I sho-uld have n-e-ver l-l-left yo-u!" Eren said in between sobs. Levi whispered in Eren's ear. Trying to make him stop or make him happier. It only worked a bit.

"Hey brat! Stop getting your filthy tears in me." Levi said pushing Eren off if him. Eren stopped and looked at him.

"I'm sorry...." He whispered. Levi felt bad and gave Eren a quick kiss.

"Please don't leave. Stay with me." Levi said making Eren lay down on the bed with him.

"You don't sound like yourself Heichou." Eren smiled. Levi looked up at him.

"Tch. Brat." He said crawling up to Eren's chest. While he rested his head on him he felt Eren playing with his hair. It felt nice and he fell asleep to it.

Eren looked over at Levi to see he was fast asleep.

"Goodnight. Corporal." Eren said kissing the top of his head.


My Idiot Titan BoyfriendTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang