Update on 'Bar Jokes...'

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So I'm almost done. I have around 650 words and I need 1k sooooo yeah I wanted to show you guys. don't steal the Idea. k?

Starts here..... \/\/\/\/\/\/

"So, Yoda and Obi-Wan walked into a bar and bought a 5 dollar drink..." I started the joke.

I was standing on the little stage in the Cantina Bar doing my little Comedy show, that I was doing for some spare credits.

"Yoda, seeing that he only had 4 dollars asked Obi-Wan, 'Have a dollar do you? A little short I am.'" I finished with my impression of the 'great Jedi master' Yoda, earning laughs from across the bar.

I fake smiled as I adjusted my hood so it covered my eyeless eye sockets. The one distinct feature that separates my kind, the Miraluka, from the humans. That and my force sense that allows me to 'see' without the use of eyes.

I swiftly pulled out my small, leather pouch and set it on the floor, waiting, for the few people drunk enough, to dump spare coin into it. I was about to go onto another dumb joke when I 'saw' a person, with a great force signal, walk into the bar.

Only Jedi's have that large of a signal. Let's hope he falls for my disguise. I don't need some Jedi scum stopping me from completing my mission for my master, Darth Nihilus.

"Who tries to be a Jedi? Obi-Wannabe!" I said fake laughing.

I snatched up my bag from the ground and walked around the bar collecting spare credit. I was about to pass the Jedi when he grabbed my bag.

"I was wondering, how do you come up with those jokes up there?" He asked, a hood covering his face.

"I travel and pick up things." I said snatching up my bag and attaching it to my belt, where my lightsaber hung, hidden under my cloak.

I walked out of the bar and into the growing crowd of people, that were shopping. I quickly looked behind me and saw the Jedi walk out of the bar and look around. He must of figured out who I was.

I pulled my hood lower and walked through the crowd, keeping my head down. I kept walking, heading to my stolen A-wing that I parked way out of town so nobody would get suspicious.I looked behind me again to see him weaving through the crowd coming towards me. I might as well take care of this scum.

I took a quick turn into an ally way, hoping he followed me so I could quickly take him out. I turned around and he was standing right there, the Jedi, wearing a brown cloak that covered his face.

"You know I didn't appreciate that last joke back there." He said pulling down his cloak's hood to reveal his face. It was Obi-Wan Kenobi.

"Do you think I cared?" I hissed back at him, pulling out my lightsaber and activating it. The Red blade forming.

"Visas Marr, apprentice to Darth Nihilus, One of the last Miraluka, doing a comedy show for spare credit?" He said pulling out his lightsaber and activating it as well.

"Just passing through. Like I said, I've been traveling." I said smirking a bit, my lightsaber at a ready stance.

"Why are you traveling? Shouldn't you be with your master?" He said, his bright blue blade in a ready stance.

"It is none of yours, or the Jedi Orders, business." I said lunging at him, using my speed and agility.

He quickly dodged me, and our lightsabers clashed sending red and blue sparks everywhere. I stayed on the offensive as I kept swing right and left. I then swung under him, making him jump and front flip over me, giving me the chance to quickly, use the force to send out a wave of raw dark side energy. One of my many abilities.

He skidded back, losing the grip of his, now unactivated, lightsaber. I tumbled to the ground in front of me, and I picked it up. He noticed this and got up quickly, his eyes darting around, planning. I swiftly activated the blue lightsaber, ready to duel wield, and waited for his move.

-----------End--------so far------

So how do you guys like it? Tell me if there's any spelling or grammar mistakes!

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