4 months later 💙 part 1

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So it's been 4 months since I left  LA , Leo keeps texting me , apologising and other shit .
Me and king fell out because I told him I texted Leo on FaceTime.


FaceTime call

King : Heyy y/n

Y/n : Hey king , you good

King : I'm great what about you , I can't wait for Hawaii it's going to be lit

Y/n : I'm fine , I miss seeing you in person  is hercy coming two

King : yeah hercy coming as-well , maybe Itali too idk yet


King: who's texting  you 👀

Y/n : Leo

King : Wait ?? LA Leo ?

Y/n : Yeah

King : why the fuck he texting you

Y/n : because he can

King : so you forgot all the shit he did to you

Y:n :  of course I didn't

King : well you must of if your allowing him to text you

Y/n :  King  don't worry it's okay , I got this

King : well  you didn't have it when he was beating the shit out of you .

Y/n : Are you fucking serious king ??

King : yes the fuck you mean , it's like you want him to hurt you again  . Are you trying to get attention

Y/n : you know what fuck you king 

King : why you getting mad at me

Y/n :  because your fucking rude  , bye don't talk to me ever again

*flashback ended *


Today I'm going to Hawaii for 28 days , me and y/n ain't cool .i know things are probably going to be awkward and shit between us . It's weird how we went from talking everyday to not talking for a whole 4 months .

Loving King Miller 💜Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu