Me and my cousins can fight Vampires but Dark Angels? Ha! 11

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I was extremely angry at my mother. I was also mad at Will and myself. I couldn't believe that I stepped in between them. And, I couldn't believe I was in love with that bastard. I felt like shredding something to pieces. "Katrina, you need to understand that-" my mother began but I cut her off. "Understand what? That your hiding something from me? That this was all a set up? How you're here when you were supposed to be locked up? What you did to father because you recklessly flew after those dark angels?" Breathing heavily I glared at her, she seemed taken aback. "Katrina, I have reasons for hiding things from you, it's not that I want to its just that it would cause complications." She stared at me and I looked away. "This was not a set up, I don't know how things turned the way they did but all I know is that you are not ready to face them and until you are you aren't going back," she continued. "Fine, but can you explain to me what he was talking about, you owe me that." I glanced at her and saw anger flash through her eyes. "I don't owe you anything Katrina; remember who you are speaking to because I could have sworn you don't speak to your mother in that tone." Silence followed after this, my cousins and aunts were holding their breaths watching us. "To tell you the truth, you once knew about all of this, about Will, Selena, Neressa, Lisa, Jackson, Jessica, Jeremy, Ryan, and Siren. You used to play with them a lot and you were inseparable. But, after the King got the Queen pregnant, something happened to him, he changed..."


"What are we gonna do today Will," the little girl asked the boy sitting next to her. They watched as Selena, Neressa, Lisa, Jackson, Jessica, Jeremy, Ryan, Siren, Derek, Blake, Brandon, Serena, Varina, Bryon, Isabella, Yeretta, and Chris run around playing tag. "What do you want to do?" Will asked the girl named Katrina. "I want you to take me flying again!" she said, smiling widely. "Then let's go flying," Will said, offering his hand as he stood up. The girl took it and black wings sprouted from the boy's back. "I can't believe you and your brothers are angels!" Katrina said, lightly touching one wing. "I can't believe you and your cousins are slayers," the boy returned. He leaped up, taking her along and she screamed in delight. The wind rushed past their faces as they flew loops and circles. Later, all nineteen of them were panting from their playing. "Hey Will, do you love me?" the girl asked the boy. "Of course, I'll always love and protect you, you're my mate," he said, smiling proudly. "Mate? Like what mommy and daddy are?" the girl asked curiously. "Yup." "Does that mean that my cousins and your brothers are mates?" The boy looked down into the eyes that he liked to stare at, that shifted color depending on the owner's mood, no one else had eyes like hers. "Yes, they probably are," he murmured, hugging the girl close. They fell asleep, but the sound of thunder and lightning woke them up. "What's happening?" Derek asked Selena, hugging her close. "I don't know," the girl murmured, eyes wide with fear. A man appeared out of no where, he seemed angry. "What are you doing with them, get away from them!" he roared at the dark angels who jumped with fright. They had never seen their father so angry. "Father, what's wrong? What's happening?" Siren asked her father tentatively. Just then, Rina and her sisters appeared. "Katrina, come here, get away from them," she said. Her eyes were on the man who came. Something pulled them away from each other. "Will!" the girl cried, struggling against the invisible grip. "Katrina!" he cried back, reaching out to grab on to her. All around them, they were being separate. "I'm sorry," Rina murmured and instantly knocked them out with magic, wiping their memories clean of everything about the Angel World and the dark angels. "No, Katrina!" Will screamed, running toward the unconscious girl. They disappeared with the women and Will and his brothers were left screaming out their agony.


"So you're telling me you wiped my memories just because of him? You couldn't even work it out and you dragged us between your problems?" I said, anger seeping through her. "Katrina, we didn't mean to drag you but if you had stayed with them longer, the King would have used his children to get information out of you, I didn't want you to be hurt," she said. "But why erase my memories, you could have just told me that!" I yell. Just then, my father and uncles came out. "What's all this noise?" he asked, his gaze drifting from me to my mother. "Rina?" he whispered, his eyes wide. "Kaname," she murmured, smiling at him. He swept her up in a hug, kissing her hard. My uncles did the same for my aunts, though they weren't held captive but I guess that's how you say hi. We waited patiently while they caught up with each other. When they settled down my mother returned her look to me. "I'm sorry I erased your memories but that little boy you knew back then is gone, if you haven't noticed, Will changed a lot," she said. I didn't say anything. "All of them did, or else you guys wouldn't have been almost dead." Derek, Blake, Brandon, Serena, Varina, Bryon, Isabella, Yeretta, and Chris were silent, shocked by the fact that they had actually known their enemies, were actually friends, maybe even closer. "We can still save the King if we restore his sanity and to do that, we'll need to search for the Onyx of the Demon, and we need you to prepare for this dangerous quest because besides the dangers and monsters, you'll be traveling with them." My eyes widened, I was going to be traveling with the dark angels? "The training you'll receive will be extremely hard, be prepared and get good rest, because you won't have any for awhile." With that said, my mother, father, aunts and uncles strode toward the house talking to each other.


My mother did well on her promise. We trained so hard I never slept after our return from the Light Castle but I felt myself get stronger. Felt my knowledge expand and knew the same thing was happening to my cousins. Days grew into weeks which grew into months. After three full months of training, my mother said we were ready to go. Serena, Varina, Isabella, Yeretta, and I were busy packing when the guys strode in. "Ready?" Derek asked and we nodded. "Man, I can't believe we have to travel with them," Blake muttered, Brandon nodded in agreement. I rolled my eyes, "Hey, we could kill them in their sleep if they annoy us," I offered. "Are you kidding me? They would know that would happen before we could even move," Bryon said. Chris grinned, "We could block their minds," he said. "Why are we talking about this? We need to go or else we'll be in trouble," Varina said, standing up and sliding her pack over her shoulders. We did the same, heading outside to where are parents were. "Good luck, they will meet you in the clearing at the edge of town," my mother said hugging me. I nodded; I still haven't forgiven her for what she has done. We waited in the clearing, watching as the sun slowly made its trek across the sky. "Where are they?" Serena finally said. Yeretta shrugged, busy pinning up her hair because it kept falling into her eyes. "Have you been waiting long?" a familiar voice said and I glanced behind me to see them leaning against the trees. "Yes, were very annoyed and can we get going?" I asked. "Of course, impatience doesn't go with you though," Will said, walking toward me. I involuntarily stepped back. He smirked before running two fingers through the air, opening up a portal. "Let's go," he said, gesturing toward it. "Where will that take us?" Isabella asked. Jeremy brushed the bangs away from his glowing purple eyes. "To where the stone is," he answered. "How do we know your telling the truth," Derek said, glaring at Selena who grinned at him. "You'll just have to take our word for it," she said before walking into the portal, her brothers and sisters following her, all except Will who waited for us to go through. Derek sighed, "We can always create another portal if it's the wrong one," he said before walking through. We hesitantly followed through and Will came after I entered. Instantly I felt myself floating through flashing colors. I started spinning fast before landing with a muffled thump. Sitting up dizzily, I found myself in a glade by myself.

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