Epilogue: Together

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Beep! Beep! Beep!

"I'm coming, okay," John said, yawning widely. 

"This is Intrnational Recuse." A female voice asked.

"Our ship is sinking! We need help," the caller said as John floated closer.

"Don't worry, I'm sending help to you right now." Melody muted the caller and called up Gordon.

"Gordon, we have a situation. There's a cargo ship taking on water in the Pacific ocean. I'll send more information to Thunderbird 4."

"FAB," Gordon said and hung up.

"Busy morning?" John asked, wrapping his arms around Melody's waist. He nestled his head on her shoulder, giving her a kiss on the neck.

"Not really. That was the first call. I got up to get breakfast," Melody said, taking one of John's hands and pulling him toward the kitchen.

It had been four months since Melody had first come up to Thunderbird 5, and she had taken to it like a fish to water or Gordon to water. 

John loved having his fiance living and working alongside him. His brothers were a little jealus that he had been the only one to have the courage to actually propose to his girl. Virgil had given Sam a promise ring, while Scott had given Emma a promise sword. The blonde troublemakers thought it was a never ending sorce of fun to make fun of their older brothers. 

"Strawberry, blueberry, or plain?" Melody asked, jaring John from his thoughts. 

"Um, strawberry?" John asked with a shurg.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Melody asked, handing him a baggle smeared with creamcheese.

"Us," he said, smiling as he wrapped his free arm around Melody's waist and pulling her into a good morning kiss. 

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