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Theres a picture of her outfit is on the side, just ignore the girl wearing the hat and the glasses as she isn't wearing those.


I woke up the next morning with a smirk on my face as to how getting back at Sirius will go. I hopped out of bed and realized that it was the weekend which means I could wear whatever I want. I pulled on my super skinny faded wash skinny jeans and my black shirt that says 'Close your eyes and think of...' on the front. I smiled as I pulled on my shoes and hurried out of the dorm into the common room, no one was their so I figured everyone was at the great hall. I skipped into the the great hall. I walked over to my sisters and completely ingored the boys besides Peter and James. "Hey girls, James, Peter." Sirius rolled his eyes but then looked shocked when he realized I was glaring at him or Remus but rather smiling at everyone else. "Hey, Sky, why aren't you acting angery with me and Moony? I mean your're just acting like you don't know us, not like we hurt you!" I wanted to answer him straight to his face but I just whsipered what I wanted to say to him into Lily's ear and she repeated it to him.

"This is what Dray is telling me to tell you." Lily's voice came out strong where as mine was already starting to waver. "First off, Black it would be Moony and me, not me and Moony. And to answer your question, I'm acting like I don't care because I don't. I don't let the words of those that I don't care about hurt me, and those who I care about shouldn't hurt me, which means that you two can't be people I care about or else you wouldn't have hurt me and that means I'm not letting your words get to me. Wow, DrayI'm impressed for how shy you are, you are strong."

"Thanks Lily! Now I think I'm goingto sit with my boyfriend and other friends. See you in class!" I spoke cheerfully but inside I was hurting. I walked with a spring in my step towards the Slytherin table a few people called me a mudblood but I didn't let it get to me. Once I reached Severus i tapped his shoulder and he turned around to face me. " What do you want?" His words were suprisingly cold. I struggle to keep a level voice when i said nevver mind and walked onto Lucius and Regulus who were sitting together along with the Black sisters, Narcissa and Bellatrix. I tapped their shoulders and when they turned around they looked shocked at me expressionless face, itwas the only way I could stop myself from crying. Lucius was out of his seat in a second asking what was wrong, however, Regulus hesitaited. "Reg?" My voice broke and tears started down my cheeks.

"Don't do it Regulus, your parents would never frgive you." Bellatrix spoke harshly and Narcissa just looked down guiltily, almost like she wanted to say otherwise but didn't have the guts too. REgulus looked torn.

"I'm sorry." Regulus spoke the words I hadn't wan't him to. I know we hadn't been dating but those words still broke my heart i was starting to love him like a brother.

"Okay. Lucy?" You could hear the despiration on my voice, I didn't want to lose all three of my Slytherins. He didn't say anything just pulled me into a hug.

"Narcissa, would you like to join the two of us on a walk?" I knew that Lucy liked her so i couldn't stop the smile that came across my lips at his attempt to spend time with her away from other Slytherins.

"I'd love to Lucius. Thank you." Her voice was gentel and sweet, I wonder if that how she would act around me or if she'd treat me like most Slytherins do.

The moment we were out of the great hall i begn to sob. Lucy lead me down to the black lake where all three of us sat down. "What happened to you, you poor girl?" I was suprised that Narcissa was the first to speak but I decided to answer her anyways.

"My friends are all turning on me. First Sirius and Remus, now Severus and Regulus. Severus took one look at me and snapped at me harshly and just snorted when my face fell, then Regulus chose not to be my friend anymore. I don't know what to do, I'm hurt." Narcissa pulled me into a hug and let me cry on her shoulder. 20 minutes later I had stopped crying and began to hiccup, a couple minutes later I had that under control too.

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