author's note | i'm back and requests

880 10 20

hello my loved ones, i'm back from my exams and i think, think, that i did quite well to be honest. man does it feel good to be stress free and exam free.

side note also you know sometimes you specifically remember it being somewhere but when you go back it's not there? yeah that's happening right now to me  

anyways i have lost track of some requests as i can't seem to find some in the comments. if your requests are not here do comment down below, and if your request is down below but the gender preference is wrong do let me know!

if you're new here and would like to request do so in the comments!

thank you!


- blitz  *smut, male reader *

- lion   *smut, female reader* 

- valkyrie   *male reader*

- mute  *smut, gender neutral reader*

- doc x lion

- blackbeard   *female reader*

- vigil   *female reader* 

- bandit   *smut,  gender neutral reader a to z smut*

- jager x bandit smut  [ IN THE FUCKING WORKS ]

- headcannons 

- bandit + cedrick 

updated requests:

- mira

- monty

- mute *female sniper reader*

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