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I was , no scratch that, I am in a dark place right now.

Shawn, the beautiful and innocent one,
Shawn, so perfect, yet so complicated,

Is it too early to claim I loved him dangerously,
There is no forgetting him, and me getting drowned in Alcohol right now isn't helping at all.

I mean I'm only seventeen, that's like too much Alcohol for my System ,

By that I only mean one glass.

My phone vibrated in my pocket   I took it , I opened it with tones of messages from Zendeya.

When I got home, I was almost thankful it was empty getting drunk on Saturday so smart Charlie Puth, really smart,

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When I got home, I was almost thankful it was empty getting drunk on Saturday so smart Charlie Puth, really smart,

Just wait for the hangover young man.

I woke up to the buzzing sound of my phone, checking time it was 10 AM,

My head was hurting like crazy, I went downstairs to pick aspirins, that's when I heard his voice, so calm, so soothing, so beautiful,

"Yes, Mrs Puth , I really think it's a great idea." He agreed with my mom.

"Why ain't you at school?!" I bitterly asked.

"Your mom said you were sick, so I came to check on you and it's Sunday." He said approaching me with aspirins and water.

"I can cater for myself thank you very much." I spat bitterly, grabbing the aspirins and water,
I returned back upstairs.

I collapsed on my bed , my headache was forgotten really quick, my heart now ached,
I was being hurt, and I loved it.

I loved how he hurts me without even touching me,
I love how he has all this control over me without even realising it,

I have loved Shawn ever since I was 12,
I have been making it quite obvious to him,
But he always thought it was a joke, mg love isn't a joke,

I wanna move on,  I mean, he made it pretty clear in the past 5 years that he don't swing that way.

"Charles" He spoke

"Get out, Get out, GET OUTTTTTT" I screamed the last word throwing a pillow towards him,
He caught it and still advanced towards my bed.

"Shawn get out, I'm begging you, please let me get over you." I said " I know me hitting right now is stupid, I mean you made it quite clear that you ain't interested, so yeah, maybe I need space yo heal, so, please leave."

I still had my face glued to my pillow, I heard my door shut,
Like on cue, my eyes let's go off the tears I have been so dearly holding.

I don't even remember how I fell asleep back I steered awake .

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