Chapter 1: Onward to Colloseum

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In the outer side of the forest, Two heroes were searching some shelter to stay. They seem pretty exhausting as they were travelling a miles away from their house. They were wearing rugged clothes and some backpacks in their back.

Edgar is the person on the left who was panting all the time they got here. He was taller than his friend name Steel. They were looking some place to stay but there were none. They couldn't find anything that'll help them until Edgar checked his map again.

"Are you sure were in the same place?" he asked

"Of course, Why would I make mistakes?" Steel answered and sweated his face in a hot weather "A tour guide told us once that if we follow the road, we might find a village there"

"Yeah right, what if he's lying?"

"He won't" he said while passing in spiky bushes and added "If we got lost, we might end up a stray dog or a lost child like the explorer on the television"

"Do you really need to bring that up?" Edgar sighed as he followed him

An hour later, Edgar and Steel have eventually found the village and behind it, they saw in the center corner. It was a large white coliseum. They have wanted to see a famous building in their lives.

"Do you think it's possible for us to get there?" Edgar asked

"According to this poster, you can participate freely with no price to pay"

"Anything else?" he asked

"One important rule and that is to participate with your trustworthy partner"

"That won't be a problem then" he looked at the tall building and grinned "So let's go and have some fun, Steel"

At the entrance gate of the colosseum, The two of them have asked the speaker who will register them. She was wearing a clean business suit and she was so pretty that their eyes won't blink formally.

"Sign up for this and you'll be welcome to participate" the speaker gave them a contract form

Edgar signed without reading some rules and policy whereas Steel accepted it. After that, they heard a gate starting to open and they walk inside the colosseum.

Edgar stares in each walls excitingly while Steel calms down and observes the place they have never seen before. They are lots of people who were wearing their armours and their equipments.

They look taller and more prideful which made them nervous for the tournament. Edgar doesn't know the rules so he need to rely on Steel's intelligent skills. However, he heard a loud growling sound beside him.

"Steel, are you hungry?"he stared at his stomach

"Not really I mean, we have been walking for 2 hours on a long trip just to participate in this place. It's better if we could stay and relax for a while before it starts"

Edgar agreed on Steel's suggestions. So they bought some snacks and drinks, eating in the terrace and gaining back their energy. They have waited in 26 minutes to start but the announcement declared it will take another 60 minutes to do.

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