One Direction 5

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The next morning, they all slept in until eleven the quickly got ready to shop. The girls all slung their purses over their shoulders and the guys put their wallets in their pockets. They drove to the first shop and laughed as they walked in.

The walls where covered in One Direction posters. They had One Direction T-shirts, sun glasses and more. The girls all changed into a shirt, put on sun glasses, took a British flag, then stood beside their partners picture. The boys took pictures and they all left laughing like crazy. The next store they went to was a fancy place with expensive jewelry. The girls each got a silver bracelet with hearts on them and the first letter of their name and the first letter of their partners name. They pulled out their wallets to pay but before they could, the boys jumped out and threw the money at the girl behind the counter. 

The next store was just really funky clothes. They each threw on a crazy out fit, took pictures then left without buying anything.

The next store had loads of people in it so they skipped it. When they got to their next spot, it turned out to be beside a pizza place. Niall was hungry so they all stopped and had a slice. The day was going by so fast and they didn't want it to end.


They got back to the hotel and emptied their bags. The girls had each gotten a bracelet and a few T-shirts and a fancy dress. The boys picked out the dresses but didn't say what they were for. They all sat down in front of the little TV and turned on a movie.

"I'll go make popcorn." Louis said.

They all sat in each others arms and watched a romantic movie about a girl who meets a guy but the guy turns out to be an alien that was sent down to earth when he was young. They all laughed and pointed out the totally fake effects then fell asleep where they were.


The next morning Berta woke up and looked around the room. She saw all of the girls but none of the guys. She walked over to the Kitchen and pulled out a leftover slice of pizza. She went to sit down at the table but she noticed something on the wall. It was a hand drawn arrow and it was pointing down the hall. She walked down and came to another arrow that pointed into the bed room. She slowly opened the door and saw the dresses laying out on the bed. She pulled off the note that was stuck to the door and read it quietly out loud.

"Put on your gowns and crowns. Its time for our beautiful Cinderella's to come to the ball. Well not ball but go out  side at two to find your coach then off to the secret location! When you get there, tell the workers your names and someone will take you to a room where you are to wait for your Prince. Sincerely, Prince Charmings."

She heard a dramatic sigh and turned around to see that all the other girls had followed her.

"Its lunch now so that gives us two hours to eat and get dressed!" Keana clapped excitedly.

Alice put on her long black dress and curled her long hair. Whitney but on her short black dress and put her hair in a fancy up-do. Keana put on her purple short frilly dress and straightened her hair. Rose put on her light blue long dress and Curled her blond hair. Berta put on a short pink and black dress and also curled her hair. By the time they were done their make-up, they only had fifteen minutes until they had to go. They took breath mints then skipped out the door in their princessy dresses.

They sat in a limo for what seemed like an hour. When they finally pulled over, they were infront of the L.A. Stadium. They walked over to the doors and asked a girl where they should go.

"What's your names?" She asked kindly.

"I'm Alice and this is, Berta, Whitney, Keana and Rose" Alice smiled.

"The man over there will help you" she replied and pointed to a short guy who was waving at them.

They walked down a flight of stairs and entered a white room that had nothing in it. They turned around to ask the guy where they were but he was gone and the door was locked. They started to panic and banged on the door. 

"Sh! Listen for a minute!" Keana hushed them.

They listened and heared music. It was One Thing and with the music they heard screams. The music stopped and the screams faded.

"We have a treat for you guys tonight!" Liam yelled and the screams started again. "We are going to bring our Princesses up here!"

Before any of them had time to react, the walls started moving down and the floor started rising. They grasped each others hands to steady one another from falling. Inches before their heads were going to hit the ceiling, it split open and the girls were blinded by a bright light. Their eyes adjusted and a crowed cheered before them.

"Your insecure! Dont know what for!" Liam sang while the boys took their hands.

They danced around the stage and even sang a few lines here and there. When the song ended, a few people came out from behind the stage with crowns. Harry and Keana got purple ones to match her dress and his tie. Alice and Louis got silver ones to match their out fits too. Berta and Liam got pink, Whitney and Zayn got yellow, and Rose and Niall got blue to match their outfits and their eyes.

They all grabbed hands and took a bow. They danced around while the boys sang a few last songs then they waved goodbye to the crowd. They all skipped backstage, holding hands, and hugged.

"That was so fun! Thank you guys!" Rose smiled.

"Yes thank you!" The others agreed.

"Anything for you gals!" Niall smiled.

It was a perfect last day in L.A. and when the got outside of the stadium, they were just in time to watch the sun set behind the city. They all smiled and kissed until it was so dark that they could barely see. They drove back to the hotel and said good night to each other.


The next day, the girls returned home and the guys went to Las Vegas to do a show. On the bus ride home the girls shared gossip and talked like there was no tomorrow. They knew that this trip had brought them all close and now they would be friends forever. 

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