Chapter 28

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(A few moments after what just transpired, Mori suddenly arrives on the same cliff.)

Mori: This is definitely the spot where I felt that energy.

(As he says this a takes a step and comes across some blood on the ground.)

Mori: Given that this blood has yet to fully dry, it means that it's still relatively fresh. Best I use my time manipulation to see just what happened here. I may be able to catch who's responsible. Here's go.

(As Mori places his hand onto the ground, a force field appears around him and slowly begins to engulf the entire area that has effected from the wave of magic that Dante released from his body. As time begins to revert back, Mori suddenly stops when he sees Dante gets his shoulder slashed by Mikael.)

Mori: So Dante was here and then was easily defeated by whoever that was.

(As Mori says this, he walks over to the edge and fast forward time to after Mikael drops Dante to see where he landed only to see a woman carrying his body. After seeing this, he ends his Time Manipulation, reverting everything back to normal.)

Mori: Very interesting. I better inform the King.

(Back over by Crow's Perch, Kitara jumps up out of her sleep after sensing that dark magic. Visibly shaken up by this, she begins breathing fast as Marcy enters the room.)

Kitara: Did you feel it as well?

Marcy: Yes. It was faint, but I felt it. It felt like it was coming from this direction.

(As Marcy points west, Kitara immediately began to wonder if it was Dante so she gets up, gets dressed and heads to Lenneth's room. Once at her door, she knocks but gets no answer. She decides to enter but Lenneth is nowhere to be found.)

Marcy: Where is she, Kitara?

Kitara: If Lenneth isn't sleeping, there's only one place where she could be at this time of night. Follow me.

(In Lenneth's private chambers, Kitara walks towards the far left wall in her room. With a little push, the wall opens out revealing a staircase that goes up. As they make their way up the stairs, atop the mountain. Lenneth is standing on an old tree branch lie in the creases of the mountain with her eyes closed taking in the air as the wind flows through her long white hair.)

Lenneth: The perch...Its actually been some time since I've had to come up here, but this feeling I have.....This feeling of foreboding. I wonder what does it mean. I wish I could say it's from this Ragnarock group, but I feel that is this presence I'm feeling is coming from a more daunting figure, but I'm unaware of who. I don't know if I should be worried or not. I wonder if Dante was able to gain some answers. Maybe he knows what's troubling me...Or maybe he's the reason for it? I should try contacting Karasu to see if they have learned anything.

(As she says this, she opens her right palm that contains her Yatagarasu Mark in order to make contact with Karasu. Although after a few moments pass, she doesn't feel him which then begins to worry her.)

Lenneth: This isn't good. I need to get to Lexington immediately. 

(As Lenneth says this, Kitara opens the lid atop of the stairwell and approaches Lenneth.)

Lenneth: What are you two doing here?

Kitara: Something's wrong. Just a few moments ago Marcy and I both felt a faint surge of that same dark magic. We believe that it could be coming from where Dante is.

Lenneth: So I guess I was right all along. Allow me to get dressed. We'll be heading to Lexington City now.

(A few moments pass as Kitara creates a portal directly to Lexington City. Once there, Kitara immediately looks towards the cliff that oversees the city.)

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