Chapter 15: Emotions

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Song: Magic shop by BTS

Y/n p.o.v:

When you felt his arms around you you felt safe. When the water threw you over board you were scared. But Jin was like a light in the darkness that calmed you. And now here you are shivering on a rescue boat wrapped in blankets. When we reached shore Jin helped you to get out since you were shaking on your feet. When your feet touched the ground you found yourself in the arms of your crying brother.
"Are you okay?" He asks worried checking you for any injuries.
"Yes" You tell him quietly
Then he released you and pulled Jin in for a hug. Who was surprised at the action of the blue haired boy. "Jin are you okay too?"
"Yes, Suga I am fine." He replies smiling.
"Thank you for taking care of my sister." Yoongi tells Jin.
"Of course." Jin says patting his shoulder. Then we were hugged by the others in one giant group hug until a lifeguard told us to get checked by the ambulance that was called for us.

When you were getting checked Yoongi eyed me worried. "I am good yoongi stop worrying."
"Sorry." He says giving me a small smile.
"Yoongi I need to tell you something." you began
"You're in love with Jin and he with you" He says taking place next to me.
"How did know?" you ask him
He smiled at me " I thought there was something going on between the two of you when Jin asked me how I would react if one from the members would date you."
"So you're fine with it?"
"Yes, I trust Jin with your life and I trust that you will make the choices you think are right for you." he tells you.
you hugged him "Thank you."
"No problem let's get back to the vacation house." Yoongi suggest.
"Good idea brother."
"Shot gun." He yells before sprinting towards the car. You suddenly felt an arm you're your shoulder, you looked up and saw Jin.

"I told Yoongi about us." You told Jin
"Yeah I figured and he seems okay with it." Jin says looking at Yoongi who was bickering with Hoseok about sitting shotgun. "So does that mean no more running away?"
"Yes." You reply
"In that case, Y/n I would love to have you as my girlfriend." Jin says.
"Come here boyfriend" you say before kissing him

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