"I think there's definetley something between us..wouldn't you say so kate?" I just laugh and put my arms around his waist and look up to him.

"Definetley" and I place a kiss on his cheek and he smiles as I do so and I do too as I pull away.

"Aahhhh I love kiam! OMG!!" Laura says now and literally starts hard core fangirling over me and Liam.

"So..Liam..what does this mean now?"

"It means that if you will do the honours of being my girlfriend then,indeed you are my girlfriend." I smile.


"Hm?"he looks worried right now as if in about to say something terrible.

"I will do the honours of being your girlfriend."I smile and he kisses me once again.


"Good because I do the honours as having you as my girlfriend.ill treat you one million times better than that asshole Nate... You do know that don't you?"

"I do know that liam."

"Look guys I ship kiam a lot and that but if you still want to go to Cheshire kate then I'm afraid your going to miss your plane... or you could just stay with us.."Laura sings.

"Your right. I'm sorry guys I have to go." I give Liam a kiss on the cheek and then head over to Laura.

As I go and give Laura a big hug she whispers "I knew kiam was going to happen one day! I just knew it!!" I laugh and say goodbye to them both.

As 'm walking away I hear Liam shout kate and just as I'm about to turn around Liam stops me by putting his hand on mine pulling me back to look directly at him.

"please don't go." He begs.

"Liam look.. I sort of have to now...I'm so sorry. But I've already sorted everything out now and I also need to see the rest of my family. I'm so sorry."

He looks disappointed but nods.

"I know but I won't be able to cope without you Kate. Your my bestfriend aswell as my girlfriend and now your leaving for the majority of the summer. And you don't even know that if you may be coming back. you better had come back miss Daniels." He winks and pulls me into an understanding hug.

He understands.

He always understands me.

Just as I'm about to go we share our last kiss for maybe two minutes until I look at my clock and realise that I'm really going to be late for my seven hour flight to Cheshire.

"I'm going to have to go Liam. I'll miss my plane otherwise."

"Okay babe. Please text me when you've landed so that I know your safe."

"Of course. We can FaceTime and Skype too. I'll miss you." He leans in and kisses my cheek.

"I'll miss you more. You better get going before I you miss your plane... or you could just stay with me.." Liam winks.

"Bye liam."

"Oh and kate.. I'm flying down next week because I want to visit Mia anyway. Plus I won't be able to go more than a day without you so It will be a lot easier to have something to look forward too especially seeing my beautiful girlfriend and my other bestfriend and then it'll just be like the old times." We both smile at the thought of "the old times" they were always the best.

"Aw that's fine. I'll be looking forward to seeing you with me and Mia in Cheshire!"

"Don't find someone to replace me with over the next week anyway." he laughs.

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