(another fic). the a team in the line of duty

Start from the beginning

Equally as determined and impressive was his wife. Reema was a strong woman, full of intelligence and passion, but she was not forceful. She spoke with conviction and confidence but never raised her voice and always tried to understand other's ideas. She was equally responsible for helping to pass along the messages in the paper, and even helped to create the code. Both of these people were risking everything to help the people of their country, and Face could completely understand that. Not to mention he adored Iffat, or Iffy as she liked to be called.

Iffy was a small seven year old with a cheeky smile and inquisitive eyes. She had a bubbly laugh and an intelligent way of speaking. She loved to listen to the soldiers' stories and would often follow them around begging to help. She had taken a special liking to Face almost instantly and he often spent the evening talking with her.

In all honesty, keeping this family alive and unharmed was an honor. He would willingly lay down his life to keep them safe. He just wished he didn't have to do it in this f-ing place.

Grumbling out a tired sigh, Face approached Corporal Harris and whistled out a small tone to alert his fellow ranger. The Kid glanced over his shoulder and gave his LT a tired but grateful smile.

"Does this mean I get ta go to bed el-tee?" He asked as Face came to stand next to him.

"After you drink your weight in water and eat something," Face ordered with a smirk.

"I can do that. Hell, I'd love ta do that. It's been all still out here this morning. Nothing but sand," Harrison said.

"Not even the farmers from before?" Face asked, feeling the first stirrings of the Jazz start in his body.

"No sir. Nothing but sand," the younger man repeated.

Face nodded, eyes scanning the horizon. "Thanks Harry, go on inside. When Roy-Roy gets up tell him he switches out with me in five, but I want someone to walk the tunnel first."

"Yes sir," the corporal said before turning and walking back the way Face had come.

Face listened to his steps retreating for a long moment, eyes still staring off into the horizon. For three days everything had been still in their small little hidey-hole. No threats, nothing unusual, and nothing that screamed danger, yet Face still felt twitchy. He could still feel the hum of electric like energy that only came with the Jazz. Sometimes it was a good thing, that hum, it meant you had an idea or were coming up with a plan. But in times like this, when you were watching and waiting, it was almost ominous.

Face was hoping it was just the heat.


"Sorry sir, the el-tee is out on patrol. Harrison just got back in. He won't be available for another three hours," Corporal Roy Royals said, much to Hannibal's annoyance.

"Fine. We'll check back in at 1800. See if the Lieutenant can be available then," Hannibal said, with a great measure of restraint. For the past three days, whenever he had called in for an update or check in Face had been 'unavailable' to speak with him, an occurrence that was beginning to grate on the Colonel's nerves. But, however annoyed he was with his XO, he was going to try damn hard not to take it out on the two corporals who were under his command.

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